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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy Tactic : War of the Lions question...

Yeah. The GBA version though sucks compared to the PS1 Tactics Ogre. Due to the lack of the AT systen. Leadign it to a "You move then they move" type.

Front Mission 3 was a great game to... less class stuff... but your in mechs destroying other peoples mechs.

The Nippon Ichi Strategy games are fun storywise... but there gameplay can get old fast as it involves a lot of pointless grinding.

Sadly most of the best tactical games were on GBA/DS. Or not localized to america so an American 20 gig isn't helpful. The Fire Emblem series is another classic... possibly the first SRPG game. Though that series is Nintendo only.

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""Front Mission 3 was a great game to... less class stuff... but your in mechs destroying other peoples mechs.

==> FM3 is also a lot easier (except the final boss maybe ...) and is a lot less deep but controling/stealing mech is really funny.

Time to Work !

I finally got War of the Lions last week. What amazes me is that for all the effort they put into the new cutscenes and translation, they didn't bother to fix the massive slowdown issues that plague every single special action in the game. It's astonishing. The game should never have shipped in this state, period.

Oh, and Katanas are only randomly consumed when you use a Samurai's ability. I don't know the figures, but it's probably only about a 10% chance of it breaking each time you use it.

ah , thanks for that info Borkachev. and thanks to all you other guys (kas,spd, & Iclim) I have really enjoyed this talk on FFT and tactics games in general.

I am playing the PSP version and havent seen any slowdown issues.

anyone got thoughts/opinions on Lord of the Rings Tactics, for the PSP?

I am going to get Jeanea soon, and is disegea released in the US yet for PSP? a search of showed used copies of disgaea 1 & 2 for the PS2 but nothing on the PSP. I like these games more for the PSP then the PS2.

oh and are there any rumors of a Civilization port for the psp? i would pay top dollar for that game!

oh and what about Dungeons & Dragons Tactics, for the PSP? thoughts/opinions

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dgm6780 said:
oh and what about Dungeons & Dragons Tactics, for the PSP? thoughts/opinions

Have you ever played D&D before. I heard it's just like that... with 3.5 rules

Though the menu system is complicated and slows down the game a lot, as well as there being camera issues. Apparently the graphics are a bit underwhelming.

So it seems like a good game for people who are D&D fans but don't get to find people to play with often.

I want it since you can apparently make as many characters as you have space on your memory card.

Of course first i have to buy a PSP. If the Wii doesn't get many SRPG offerings i think the PSP will be my next choice. (The DS has more SRPGS but the only reason i would touch the PSP is that i can plug it in to a TV.)

 Here is the worst review... a 25

And the best... an 87.

In other words it's a love of hate game. 



i read the ign reviews but was hoping to hear some real player feedback.

I havent played D&D per'se, but I played the crap out of Baldur's Gate.

oh and I love my psp but it cant hook up to the TV :( not that I think I would do that very often really. i would love to do the remote play feature but I cant get it working right. I think the problem is my router, I dunno. I cant sit at home and play around with it though, I dont have wifi at my house. One of these days I will get around to setting it up correctly. At one point I thought it was because I had the 20gb with no wifi, but have been assured thats not the problem.

one last FFT question, does the Arthmetics class have a built in Speed decrease? I finally got my guy to be arthmetic job and he never seemed to get a turn, looked at his speed and its now 3. Dont remember what it was before but he definately used to get to "go" more frequently.

one last FFT question, does the Arthmetics class have a built in Speed decrease? I finally got my guy to be arthmetic job and he never seemed to get a turn, looked at his speed and its now 3. Dont remember what it was before but he definately used to get to "go" more frequently.

Different classes have different speeds. I think Ninja is at the top, while Calculator, or Arithmetician, or whatever they're calling it these days, is way at the bottom. If you like the job, what you should do is level it just long enough to learn all the skills you want, and then switch to Black Mage with Arithmetic subskill. Black Mage has decent speed and is by far the most powerful magic caster, so it's really the ideal combo.

 Edit: oh, an alternative to leveling Arithmetician in battle is to send your guy on lots of Errands from the tavern. It's probably a much faster way to gain JP, given how slow and useless main-job Arithmeticians are.

dgm6780 said:
one last FFT question, does the Arthmetics class have a built in Speed decrease? I finally got my guy to be arthmetic job and he never seemed to get a turn, looked at his speed and its now 3. Dont remember what it was before but he definately used to get to "go" more frequently.

 Yeah.  They definitly do.  The trick is to take a black mage.  Then make him one.  Learn everything you can then switch back to the black mage.

Than you can use the Math guys math skill to damage to everyone while keeping a high magic damage too.

Dancers rule too by the way.  One with that one dance that causes random status effects can wreck havoc on the enemy party.