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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How many hours per week do you game?

I suspect most of the people who do over 40 hours a week do what I do on those rare weeks I play so much: they play a lot on weekends, and relatively little during the week. I've been known to invest 13 straight hours into newly purchased games on a rainy Saturday.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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I can't play more than 8-12 per week. I never get more than 2-3 total during the week.

I have a full-time job, but I can still play 4-5 hours a day. Its just a matter of scheduling.

On work, DS gets all my love. At home, its split between PC and Wii.

Video Game Papercrafts

The only reason Sakurai allowed Snake is because he was already a clone

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30 hours or so I guess.

10-15 hours i have lots of free time lol

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About 6 hours a week on 360, 30 minutes on Wii.
I used to play more - COD4 online is crazy fun. so, I sold COD4 so I can play other games. I miss it, but at least I'm done with Assassin's Creed now.

That Guy said:
to those who game more than 30 hours a week:

good god, that's like over 4 hours a day!

that's the equivalent of almost holding a full time job! How do you do it?

 Nah, far from a full time job.  I spend 9 hrs per day on my job, that's 45 hrs so:


One week is 168 hrs and you:

Work and get home from work, 50 hrs

118 hrs left

 you sleep 45 hrs

73 hrs left

Going to the store and other things 3 hrs

 70 hrs left and internet in general 14 hrs

56 hrs left for gaming


It's all about priorities




Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad

30 minutes to 1 hour typically.

 Like That Guy I end up talking aboud VGs a lot more than playing. 


25 hours on WoW.

35 hours or so on the PS3.

So 60 hours total. 

Typically I get back home from work at 5h30pm.

Plays Wow till 9h15 pm.

Then PS3 till 1h30-2am.

No Wow on most satursdays but shopping, movies, restaurant and stuff and generally more PS3 that day.

If I'm not sleeping ( 45h or so), working (40h), there's 80% chance that I am gaming....( I will grab one evening once in a while to read a scifi or fantasy book).

All my time on Vgchartz is spent at work, sometime it can be slow and it helps pass the time !

My wife doesn't play on the PS3 but she probably spends like 50 hours a week on Wow and like 30 hours watching movies and sewing.( go go netflix..).




PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

1 hour a day m-f—Ds over lunch break
3 hours a night M-F ---about 2 on wii then either an hour on ps2 or 360
8-10 hours on Saturday—4-5 on wii then rest on the 360/ps2
Then again on Sunday
So I play close to 40 hours a week---needless to say I don’t watch much tv