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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MMORPG'S on Consoles. When?

Ah that's cool then, would be a little slower but my doubts are gone.

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SeriousWB said:
Ah that's cool then, would be a little slower but my doubts are gone.
 I thought it would be too, but you eventually get to the point where you hit an action, and as it's commencing you've already flown through your tabs and start the next one xD It felt so good on controller! 


From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

i think it would be frigging sweet!!! like 360 as alliance and PS3 as horde or vise versa so u cant talk shet to eachother but u can still hate eachother lol

Nice, if there ever happens to be a quality free/cheap MMORPG on a console I'll probably try it out as I'm a sucker for those.

Anyhoo now off to try my recent purchases (Gears of War, Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, and KotoR II) =D