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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Epic focusing on console titles claims PC gaming is currently in "disarray"

veiam said:
elnino334 said:
veiam said:
elnino334 said:
veiam said:
elnino334 said:
veiam said:
elnino334 said:

Since mine was locked I assume here is what I had to say:

Login solution would be useful which is why mmo's are not hurt by piracy as much if at all. Currently I pay for city of heroes every month yet all the latest PC games I just bootleg though recently games like crysis and unreal 3 just do not run well on my current PC so screw them. Plus all my friends have consoles and for those that have PC's they use them for the internet or school work etc and rather spend money on games then a 6-12 month video card of $200+. I am baised since I just think is so retarted that games are made to run with the latest cards without giving an option to play with older cards which kicked ass not so long ago. Is not like asking to run at insane resolutions with 60 fps etc. Just allow me to enjoy the game at a decent resolution and locked in 30 fps. I mean you look at Half Life 2 which my system runs wonderfully and why can't crysis have an option to just look like that. Again PC's are a pain in the ass for gaming for the most part so I am glad consoles are the focus as I want all the PC games to be available on consoles so I may play them with my friends who also don't feel like spending money on new PC's etc.



ssj12 had mentioned about login solution to fight against piracy

Crysis DOES have the functionality to run at 30 FPS on your rig. It's called LOWER-MEDIUM VIDEO SETTINGS. No developer ever told you that you have to play their game at Max have they? Also the reason PC gaming is slowing down is because PC gets crappy consolish games. No PC gamer likes a port from a console, there are exceptions, but in general it's true. Also last time I heard PC games ported to a console don't do as hot (BioShock's awkward control scheme on the 360 when it comes to using plasmids and weps).

Ok man since you obvisouly was at my house when I tried to run the game at the lowest settings and see the crawl. I am sure you would have been there laughing with my friends lol. I am going to end discussion of PC stuff since obviously I just need to upgrade and then I would be a PC gamer lol.

I don't know what rig you have but you obviously need an upgrade. It costs just about $500 to build a rig from scratch to run crysis on low to medium, and I mean the entire box not just the video card.


With those same $500 I could buy a PS3 and have access to more games as well as play with tons of other people who bought a PS3. Seems every new game announced is being made available for the 360/PS3 so I should upgrade because... I am sorry but that is the same excuse you will get over and over when shit doesn't work on PC, just upgrade but how long until the next one?

You'd have access to more games with a PS3? Play with more people online? That just made my roommate look at me funny cause I was laughing aloud. As far as having to upgrade to run games soon that's just not true. I have not heard of ANY PC game that has been announced, or rumored about, that will require the horsepower that Crysis required. If you shell out 1k for a self built computer you'd be fine for up to 5 years. Hell I had a mediocre laptop at the time that I bought it and that lasted me good 4 years (It just so happened that its motherboard crapped out beginning of 2007, it would not have run UT3 or Crysis). And that's a laptop, now think a nice desktop. And yes I do agree that within 5 yers you'd have to upgrade to play the new top of the line games at all, but that just means those top of the line games will be far better than any of the games on the PS3 (in terms for graphics and hopefully AI).

Tough to argue which one has more games per say though looking at future releases the PS3 is about even if not more. In terms of playing online it really depends on the game for example cod4 has sold alot more on the PS3 then the PC so which one would have more people to play online with? Did you see the horsepower of assasin creed? You think nvidia and ati are making these powerful cards so that games don't take advantage of them? Mind you it has been said thet PC games will not be as good as they should be since games are being made to come to consoles as well. Bottonline is you spend $400-500 once on a PS3/360 and your golden for at least 5 years without needing to do anything else yet on PC who knows. Might have the kick ass video card but might need more memory etc.

 The thing is if you can play Crysis on that machine you are not lacking in any department since the game is heavy on just about every square nanometer of your computer. Also, RAM is the cheapest thing to upgrade by far. My neighbors have RAM stick quite literally piling up in boxes and strewn all over (they are CE majors). You can build a computer for a cheap amount that will last you 5 years before it can't even run a game on minimum settings. 

I agree I could do this but what about my friends? Guess I can help them with it but seriously they would just rather spend the money on games for consoles.  If they don't have someone like me then they would have to pay the geek squad or some other computer services to do this for them etc.  Again is about  mass appeal, convenience as well as price which make PC gaming a pain for most.  Once you start adding the pieces it does become expensive and there really is not guaranteed that machine will last 5 years at least for gaming.

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elnino334 said:
veiam said:

^ Yeah but you also fail to address the fact that PC games will be far superior in terms of graphics and AI and everything that makes the PS3 such a "ZOMFG AMAZING GOD SENT BOX" currently.


@mike_intellivision: I don't know where you are pulling the no backwards compatability since I was just playing Commander Keen on my Vista machine. Nor do I get where you pulled out the fact that games rarely work on a PC considering if you have any reading comprehension you'd know whether it will run or not on your rig (The requirements box is usually on the back, sometimes on the side or bottom).


@FF: Perhaps I have.

Of course to get the superior graphics and AI you have to spend quite a bit on a card that can provide that. Keep in mind the 360 came out in 2005 and is able to run Bioshock about as good as PC. Would a card that I bought in 2005 or even 2006 have allowed me to play bioshock today to be as good looking as the 360 version? How much would that card have been in that time? Yeah you might see better graphics on the PC 2 years from now but the point is you only payed $600 in 2006 when the PS3 came out and still playing games in 2010 etc. Again 1 time investment for 5-10 years if you look at the PS2 as example of how long consoles can go. Basically PC's will always be better looking but that is because they are constantly upgrading and if you don't upgrade the game might run but not at the superior graphics you claim. Maybe someday ati and nivida will just release 1 SUPER kick ass card that all games for the next 5 years will have to be compatible with and have superior graphics etc then I think PC gaming would become more common place and less of a hassle that it is now for most people. I am all for PC gaming really but the fact that my friends just don't give a lick about it is what brings down for me. I LOVE playing with people which is why I play city of heroes on the PC but everything else like cod4 I just play on xbox live.

 BioShock runs on my 6 year old laptop actually. Granted the settings aren't all the way up at all, but I still get the awesome vibe from the game.

naznatips said:
Final-Fan said:
Moreover, PC prices are indeed falling but a PC in the same price range as consoles are NOT going to last as long for gaming as consoles.

This is a common misconception from people who don't understsand PC hardware. It's true that your PC will not play games on maximum settings for 5 years, but a PC built now will run all games over the next 5 years easily, and if you do want to continue running games at higher graphical power, the only thing you'll need to upgrade is your video card once every 2 years or so. Possibly your RAM as well.

Honestly I've never understood where people got this idea that PCs suddenly won't be able to play the games the consoles do. It's truly a ridiculous notion. My PC, from a technical standpoint, is simply far more powerful than either console. I have a better GPU, more RAM, and a better Processor. Where on Earth did you get the idea that I'm suddenly not going to be playing the multiplatform games 3 years down the line?

I swear, the complaints people come up with against PC gaming defy all logic. People who have no understanding of PC technology at all just hop on the bandwago.

While, as a PC gamer for years, I agree with most of what you're saying, I have a hard time believing any 2002 computer could run Crysis.

In the PC gaming world, you probably have more like three years (if you drop $1k on parts, not including monitor) of high-to-mid gaming on a PC.  After that, you'll be struggling to run newer games at even midrange resolutions and horsepower hogs like Crysis won't run at all (though those types of games are pretty rare).

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veiam said:
Bozotheclown said:
PC gaming will be gone before X-Box, Playstation, and Nintendo.

 I'd love to know where you are pulling that info from, but I don't see how PC gaming can be gone when companies such as Blizzard still exist  (imo, Blizzard even beats nintendo when it comes to quality games). Also you fail to realize that some of the worlds top grossing games are PC games (Sims? WoW still goging strong). PC gaming is far from dead and will be around for the true hardcores for a long long time.

PC gaming is not going anywhere as almost all new games being announced will also come out on PC.  Also there is an article about MS,nivida and someone else forming a gaming allaince etc.  PC gaming is here to stay.

Now about Blizzard beating nintendo in quality games is just dumb.  Please name all the quality blizzard compared to Nintendo. By the way Nintendo has two top 2 highest rated games of all time and could be 3 if SMB keeps on the high reviews.  Also though WoW has 10 million people who enjoy there are many millions who don't.  Basically you got sims and wow taking up 95% of the PC revenue lol.  Yeah that is healthy for developers looking to make money making games on the PC.  No wonder CLiffy B is on the console bandwagon since he likes being rich.

Don't deny it PC junkies. It's only a matter of time before a nextgen system will include a mouse and keyboard from the get-go and blow pc games out of the water. PC gaming is niche gaming.


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Bozotheclown said:

Don't deny it PC junkies. It's only a matter of time before a nextgen system will include a mouse and keyboard from the get-go and blow pc games out of the water. PC gaming is niche gaming.

when consoles start including keyboard+mouse they will no longer be consoles, but gaming-only PC's.

rocketpig said:
naznatips said:
Final-Fan said:
Moreover, PC prices are indeed falling but a PC in the same price range as consoles are NOT going to last as long for gaming as consoles.

This is a common misconception from people who don't understsand PC hardware. It's true that your PC will not play games on maximum settings for 5 years, but a PC built now will run all games over the next 5 years easily, and if you do want to continue running games at higher graphical power, the only thing you'll need to upgrade is your video card once every 2 years or so. Possibly your RAM as well.

Honestly I've never understood where people got this idea that PCs suddenly won't be able to play the games the consoles do. It's truly a ridiculous notion. My PC, from a technical standpoint, is simply far more powerful than either console. I have a better GPU, more RAM, and a better Processor. Where on Earth did you get the idea that I'm suddenly not going to be playing the multiplatform games 3 years down the line?

I swear, the complaints people come up with against PC gaming defy all logic. People who have no understanding of PC technology at all just hop on the bandwago.

While, as a PC gamer for years, I agree with most of what you're saying, I have a hard time believing any 2002 computer could run Crysis.

In the PC gaming world, you probably have more like three years (if you drop $1k on parts, not including monitor) of high-to-mid gaming on a PC. After that, you'll be struggling to run newer games at even midrange resolutions and horsepower hogs like Crysis won't run at all (though those types of games are pretty rare).

That's exactly what I mean. OBVIOUSLY no one expects today's PC (especially a sub-$600 one) to run a 5-years-in-the-future game at maximum settings because today's PC can't even run Crysis at maximum settings! (I read an article recently about how some PC gaming publication tried to build a monster rig that cost ungodly amounts and would play Crysis at completely maxed out settings ... they got it to run but at like 17fps IIRC.)

I'm not a big PC gamer, but I do play some games on the PC AND I am a friggin' computer tech so I would appreciate it if you didn't assume I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to computer hardware naznatips.

If your computer is new I would certainly expect you to be able to play games on it 3 years from now in some fashion but tell me with a straight face you won't be staring longingly at new video cards/CPU/whatever in less than 18 months, especially if your ENTIRE RIG cost "in the same price range as consoles". Consoles last longer and that's a fact.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Post deleted becasue it broke the thread ~naznatips

rocketpig said:
naznatips said:
Final-Fan said:
Moreover, PC prices are indeed falling but a PC in the same price range as consoles are NOT going to last as long for gaming as consoles.

This is a common misconception from people who don't understsand PC hardware. It's true that your PC will not play games on maximum settings for 5 years, but a PC built now will run all games over the next 5 years easily, and if you do want to continue running games at higher graphical power, the only thing you'll need to upgrade is your video card once every 2 years or so. Possibly your RAM as well.

Honestly I've never understood where people got this idea that PCs suddenly won't be able to play the games the consoles do. It's truly a ridiculous notion. My PC, from a technical standpoint, is simply far more powerful than either console. I have a better GPU, more RAM, and a better Processor. Where on Earth did you get the idea that I'm suddenly not going to be playing the multiplatform games 3 years down the line?

I swear, the complaints people come up with against PC gaming defy all logic. People who have no understanding of PC technology at all just hop on the bandwago.

While, as a PC gamer for years, I agree with most of what you're saying, I have a hard time believing any 2002 computer could run Crysis.

In the PC gaming world, you probably have more like three years (if you drop $1k on parts, not including monitor) of high-to-mid gaming on a PC.  After that, you'll be struggling to run newer games at even midrange resolutions and horsepower hogs like Crysis won't run at all (though those types of games are pretty rare).

it also assumes most people got a kick ass computer in 2002.  Anyone who bought their PC at a local store like best buy, circuit city, costco, BJ's etc will have a kick ass computer for the internet and office but not for gaming.  Most of those are always under $1000 with everything included because they have cheap ass motherboards, sounds cards and video cards.  I went out and tried to get the best card I could afford 2-3 years ago in the x800 ati pci express which I thought would be good for 5 years or so yet crysis runs like crap.  Yeah I am sure I can run other games like city of heroes but as mentioned most people didn't go out to buy a nice card with their new machine.  Maybe we should refer to PC gamers as hardcore who know the latest and greatest that know who to build machines that last 5 years etc.  Seems all the PC gamers here are basically that but what about everyone else getting new PC"s typically for college whos parent bought it for them and they can't run games good.  Of course the hardware has advanced alot faster then software with memory becoming a non issue but what about the previous years etc.  Again I am all for PC doing well but the current setup sucks.

rocketpig said:
naznatips said:
Final-Fan said:
Moreover, PC prices are indeed falling but a PC in the same price range as consoles are NOT going to last as long for gaming as consoles.

This is a common misconception from people who don't understsand PC hardware. It's true that your PC will not play games on maximum settings for 5 years, but a PC built now will run all games over the next 5 years easily, and if you do want to continue running games at higher graphical power, the only thing you'll need to upgrade is your video card once every 2 years or so. Possibly your RAM as well.

Honestly I've never understood where people got this idea that PCs suddenly won't be able to play the games the consoles do. It's truly a ridiculous notion. My PC, from a technical standpoint, is simply far more powerful than either console. I have a better GPU, more RAM, and a better Processor. Where on Earth did you get the idea that I'm suddenly not going to be playing the multiplatform games 3 years down the line?

I swear, the complaints people come up with against PC gaming defy all logic. People who have no understanding of PC technology at all just hop on the bandwago.

While, as a PC gamer for years, I agree with most of what you're saying, I have a hard time believing any 2002 computer could run Crysis.

In the PC gaming world, you probably have more like three years (if you drop $1k on parts, not including monitor) of high-to-mid gaming on a PC. After that, you'll be struggling to run newer games at even midrange resolutions and horsepower hogs like Crysis won't run at all (though those types of games are pretty rare).

There are a few issues with your statement. 

First of all, we crossed the Operating System barrier in there, which creates a leap in technology.  If you see each operating system as a console generation, then it's fairly unreasonable to assume an early XP machine could play late Vista games.

Second of all, a 2002 gaming machine may not be able to run Crysis, but it could run CoD4, Bioshock, and the Orange Box with no trouble.  The only real limiting factor for a PC is its CPU, and CPU recommendations for these games are simply not that high.  Crysis was a technology leap game, and there is only one of these released every 5 years or so.  Every game is not Crysis, nor will be every game released after Crysis.