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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Apple looking at game console business

ahaha, iGame.. Why would I need a console to play brick =P?

They could probably make it, but it'd take some time. If they rush in.. it will fail.

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amcdc79 said:
@Gamerace-you are right that Sega is treating the Wii as if it were DC2,but really only one game (M+S at the Olympic Games)has sold very well for them.Most of their other games on the Wii are not selling as well as they would if they were on their own console.
Apple does have a ton of money,but as it has been said no internal game division,and even though Sega is but a shell of their former self,they do have a ton of IP's,so Apple could treat them as if they were first party.

What kind of console do you think they would bring out?

Handheld or home console?

 You may think they aren't selling as well on the Wii as they would on their own console, but that is a fallacious argument; there is no 'sega' console, and we don't know whether the other games would sell well on a sega console.  What we *DO* know, is that the releases they've made for Sonic on all consoles have sold better on the Wii, and M+S is their third highest selling game EVER.  In the HISTORY OF SEGA there have only been 2 games to sell better than Mario and Sonic at the Olympics.... which isn't yet done selling.

 Looking farther down the list of their published games, WOW! The order for top 5 selling current-gen games (for sega) is:

Wii (Mario and Sonic)

Wii (Sonic and the Secret Rings)

PS3 (Virtua Fighter 5)

360 (Sonic)

Wii (Super Monkey Balls).

 I think the sales disagree with  your claim that only 1 game on the wii has sold well for them... 3 of their top 5 this generation were on the Wii! 

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

1) WiiFit will outsell the pokemans.
  Current Status: 2009.01.10 70k till PKMN Yellow (Passed: Emerald, Crystal, FR/LG)

@11ht11-Yes Apple did have a console out in 1995 which sold for $599.99, their partner was Bandai,who did make some games for it,only 42.000 units were sold.

@alpha_dk-Yes M&S is Sega's 3rd best selling game of all time, none of the other games on your list have sold a million.

Sonic and the secret rings-830,000-Wii
Virtua Fighter 5-PS3-470,000-360-130,000=600,000 for both
Super Monkeyball 1&2 were on the Gamecube,and would have been on the Dreamcast if Sega had not dropped their support of it.

In fact Sega did have a couple of million sellers on the GCN,but both of those titles sold better on the Dreamcast

Also the only Sega million seller to sell better on another console then a Sega one was Crazy Taxi-on the PS2

Dreamcast-18 years later "It's Still Thinking"

Sorry for the double post,Apple's console was called the Pippin.

Dreamcast-18 years later "It's Still Thinking"

Apple is already in the game market. Get over it!!! The iPod has games that can be bought.



Apple has been selling games for the ipod for almost 3 years now. I would have to do some more research about the exact date the first game was sold.  

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I hope in my previous post i convinced you that apple already has a hand held gaming device.

Now I want to convince you that they already have the hardware in place for a console. its called the AppleTV. Here is a quote from apple:

- Apple TV is an interesting thing; started a year ago; was a "hobby," however our guts tell us there is something more there with Apple TV. Apple TV "Take 2" is just beginning; potential exists for enormous opportunity.
- Back to Apple TV: Right now it is a small "nichey" product. A hobby. First it was a peripheral (needed a Mac or PC). Now it is a standalone product. Apple sees something in Apple TV. Rent movies without a Mac or PC. People listen to songs over and over. People generally watch movies once. That's why rentals make sense for movies. The customer will decide. Apple continues to invest in the Apple TV product because they believe it has potential.

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kingofwale said:
Gaming is extremely saturated market. if Apple wants to venture in. Go right ahead, but I don't pity their chances.

Frankly, I still don't think Apple will do it, with no experience in gaming, no launch titles, even if they do, we won't see one in years.


They've actually had some experience with gaming.  It was a console that makes an Xbox or PS3 look about as compact as a GameCube. 


Behold the Apple Pippin:


Developed with help from none other than Bandai, so you never know, Namco-Bandai may be willing to work with them again.  Although, I doubt the current industry could handle four consoles and three portable systems (if that Pandora actually comes out).  But, it is expanding like mad, and there are a lot of Apple fanatics out there that aren't exactly gamers yet, so...  You never know.

amcdc79 said:
Man you folks just don't get it,Nintendo has broadened the market by going casual,cheap and fun,and is now rolling in the dough.

How soon everyone forgets that sitting in the wings with a whole library of IP's is SEGA whose last console(DREAMCAST) coulda,shoulda,woulda won the last generation war if they had had the money to promote it to the masses.Sony ran roughshod all over the DC with all kinds of lies and promises that Sega could not combat because they were broke.

Apple and Sega are a natural match as Apple has the money and Sega has the games.Sega also just renewed the Dreamcast trademark,and they do want back into the console market,even though they are but a shell of their former self.

If Apple also wants in with decent launch titles,they should be talking to Sega!


I would say that Sega delivered on the promises with the Dreamcast, but the Saturn, Sega-CD, and 32X were the places where they didn't come through.  As such, they practically set the Dreamcast up for failure. 

 How do you know Sega wants to get back into the console game? 

At this point, I think we're about as likely to see a new console from EA as we are from Apple.  Obviously, the odds lean towards Apple since they filed patents on the stuff, but I still think EA could be building up to one day hoping to create the "single unified console" that they've long wanted to see.

kingofwale said:
>Apple is experienced with handhelds (ipod,Iphone)

Wow... imagine an Apple handheld.

*no removable battery,
*will break in about 1 year
*comes out with newer gen every year.
*less feature than most other handheld in the market


 agree. my mp3 player was 100£ less than an ipod and has 7 more features.

Here are some games for your iphone. Again people, Apple already sells a portable gaming system.

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