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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Nintendo biding their time?

Let's face it. The big three: Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft aren't stupid.

Sony beefed up their brand with the ps4, microsoft with xbone.  I can't say anything about those two except that they're grand revisions of their former consoles and that  I would want both now.  I haven't really gotten informed on the two systems.  With the Wii U, i did get and understand.  And as a gamer, I am happy with it, but seriously Nintendo could have done better.  I don't know if they didn't think the PS4 or xbone wasn't going to be a threat(which i can't believe Nintendo would do as a business) and  think their device will sell have a quarter million each month it's first year like the original wii.  Did Nintendo think they would have it easy and ride the momentum from the original Wii with all it's casuals?  Personally, I think they were that cocky. 

But could it be that Nintendo used this generation as a stepping stone into future gaming ideas.  I understand that Nintendo has money, they have money now and they have money to lose(albeit something a company should always be taking into consideration).  They made a boat load of money some pundits  would say have lengthened the company's life time by a few 50 years.(please don't quote me, just something i remember and am referencing from an article.  If I'm wrong; I'm sort of drunk right now.)  There has always been that something that has halted us from proceeding into the future.  That is Technology.  Perhaps the wave of the future will rely on the vitality sensor.  And again, I'm just half wondering why Nintendo has chosen not to innovate as much as the Wiimote did for gaming.  The gamepad is good, it's something you wished you had in the 1990s.  But in all seriousness, did Nintendo not think outside of the box and consider what sony and microsoft was considering? 

Head tracking. 

Johnny Chung Lee was our first indication that gaming could be further immersed by simple tweeks with game design and you'll have something like the link above.  Easily administered, in my understanding.  Did Nintendo really f'up and not snag that idea?  WTF!  Or were they waiting on something that far exceed experience of video game immersion?  And most of all, can we expect it holiday 2016-2018?  If that were true; talk about throwing something under the bus.