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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTA IV PS3 pre-orders outnumber Xbox 360 orders by 2 to 1

What type of pre-orders are they talking about? Totals of all pre-orders everywhere? Or perhaps just Amazon? or Game Stop?

I agree with ROAD. I think the PS3 version will do well...but look at DMC4 sales for the US, the 360 version sold about 50% more in the USA but the attach rate for the PS3 was higher.

I think this might be the case for GTA 4 as well.

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ioi said:
Sorry, it is more like 2.5:1

Scaled to Brawl Preorders (which are well over 1m!)

Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii) 100%
Grand Theft Auto IV (360) 85%
Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) 36%

I´m new to all this math stuff but doesn´t that make 121% GTA IV Preorders ??? Just wondering, please don´t smithe me oh allmighty one :)




ioi said:
Sorry, it is more like 2.5:1

Scaled to Brawl Preorders (which are well over 1m!)

Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii) 100%
Grand Theft Auto IV (360) 85%
Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) 36%


ahhh....why'd you have to scale GTA preorders to SSBB.  now i'm torn between my desire to see smash bros be a huge success and my desire to see GTA but a huge flop. 

No El Duderino he means if Brawls preorders (x) are 100%, then 85% of x represent 360 GTA orders and 36% of x represent PS3

and OP is great, Literally 2 to 1!

Eldude - yes, if you were comparing both GTAs to SSBB.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network
El Duderino said:
ioi said:
Sorry, it is more like 2.5:1

Scaled to Brawl Preorders (which are well over 1m!)

Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii) 100%
Grand Theft Auto IV (360) 85%
Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) 36%

I´m new to all this math stuff but doesn´t that make 121% GTA IV Preorders ??? Just wondering, please don´t smithe me oh allmighty one :)

edit: it means that GTA preorders over both consoles are 1.21 times that of SSBB.  in other words, if there were exactly 1M SSBB pre-orders then there would be 885k 360 GTA preorders and 360K ps3 GTA preorders for a total of 1.21M GTA pre-orders.

ioi said:
Sorry, it is more like 2.5:1

Scaled to Brawl Preorders (which are well over 1m!)

Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii) 100%
Grand Theft Auto IV (360) 85%
Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) 36%

It's actually a 2.36 ratio and sounds right for USA since 360 has 2.8 times the PS3 install base. So even this number makes the PS3 look good, better attach ratio for current user base ;)

Anyway I bet it will be a totally different story outside USA. More like 2:1 for the PS3.

PS: Did you buy a PS3 yet ioi ? You have to let us know when you do it, I have a feeling it will be this uear :)

PPS: I have a special edition for PS3 pre-ordered from Amazon ;)

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


Ok now I get it, thanx guys




This does bode quite well for GTA IV preorders. Combined they outnumber Smash (which is over a million itself according to ioi) even though GTA is further away. Depending on how "well over 1m" they are it's very possible GTA could hit 1.5-2million preorders before release!

'with pre-orders at one particular store placing the PS3 iteration ahead by a factor of exactly 2 to 1'

They must have driven around for hours looking for the ONE STORE that has more pre-orders for the PS3 version.