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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTA IV PS3 pre-orders outnumber Xbox 360 orders by 2 to 1

@ ioi

In America?

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ioi said:
Numbers I have seen put xbox360 at more than 3 times PS3 preorders...

 wow, nice tidbit there ioi.  thanx.  

K, what store is this...Ima call and even the score.

I´ll trust the Boss on this one eventhough I love cherrypicking...hmmmm cherrys...




ioi said:
Numbers I have seen put xbox360 at more than 3 times PS3 preorders...

 i've seen whats being reported. Got a link to your source? lol

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Psymatiq said:
rofl at ppl that said it would be vise versa

ps3 is 2nd this gen end of story.

 Oh man I bet that is emberassing


@pre-order topic,


I was expecting pre-orders to be about 1.5x more for the 360 but 3x?? Wow thats quite a bit more than I thought.  Its still very early though so I won't be putting a lot of stock into that for now.  Once we get closer to the release we should get a better read on what the real ratio is but the fact that it is so high already is surprising....

Out of curiosity how many pre-orders (ballpark) is that 3x figure based on? 

To Each Man, Responsibility

Have you seen DMC4 rate sales? Expect that, if not worse, for PS3.

Amazon is currently at 47/53% in pre-orders for GTAIV in favor of the PS3. But, it's important to note that this number has been shifting in favor of the 360 over the last couple months. The first time I saw the side by side comparison, the ratio was about 35/65% in favor of the PS3.

ioi's numbers are probably correct if they are accounted for the states.

I wouldn't be surprised if the pre-order numbers are for the European Territory. 2:1 in Europe seems very possible.

But I would definitely want to hear where these sources are from.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

2 vs 1, mmmmmm Sony is winning in this one and by a large margin j/k :P

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