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Forums - General Discussion - Michael Bay on Blu: I told you so ...

Michael Bay is such an ass.

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
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halil23 said:
totalwar23 said:
halil23 said:
totalwar23 said:
halil23 said:
Good one Michael Bay, bad one madskillz!

And exactly why you decided to bring this old thread back? Looking for past PS3 victories?

ummm don't you know who's madskillz is?!? he's known to be one of the biggest M$ fanboy on vgchartz beside starcraft, so anyone who praises Sony, he get very angry!!! and that just sad.

So chill total, no war!

& OMG! you got my fav!

So...why did you decide to bring back a 2 month old thread?


Dude! where did you see me talk about a 2 month thread???

When I say good one MB, as in MB words came true, therefore not bad MB!

And when I say bad one madskill, as in he keep attacking Sony. (If it was M$ owns blu ray, then you would see a different thread. Something like MB a saint, instead of a douche!)

So I think he need to stop! It would've been better if he didn't post this "not so important" thread.

Hope it clears it up for you, and no I did not talk about an old thread.

Have a nice day :)

 Something just doesn't seem to click with you. This thread was made and ended in February. We are in April right now. The person that brought this thread back to the hot topics was you. My question was why did you feel the need to comment on a 2 month old dead thread?