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Forums - General Discussion - Michael Bay on Blu: I told you so ...

tk1797 said:
Isn't this the fucker that said no to a nude sex scene with scarlet Johanson. Fuck Him.

For shame!!! She's the first celebrity I would buy once sex-slaves clones become available.

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mesoteto said:
he s the only blight on that movie IMO

That statement doesn't really make any sense. Apart from the fact the movie is a steaming hunk of crap with one of the worst scripts ever to stink up the screen, having a director that is a blight on a the movie pretty much guarantees that the movie will not be any good. In most cases, it is the director that primarily determines the quality of a film. Ergo, Michael Bay being a crap director ensures that his movies will be crap. Transformers is no exception (but The Rock is... kinda).

CrazzyMan said:
even if it meant unemployment.
He is STUPID? LoL, i don`t think so.

 Not stupid, just a douch.

I totally agree he is a douch. Lots of talk but no actions. After all the crap he said about the Paramount/HDDVD deal and Transformers not being available on Blu-ray he should have quit Paramount.

PSN ID: krik

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I agree with madskillz this is douchebaggery at its best. There are far more accomplished directors out there who are probably aware of the said "format warz", but you don't hear them on the horn with proclaimations of the format's death. He has appointed himself, Blu-ray's offical cheerleader.

Dogs Rule said:
tk1797 said:
Isn't this the fucker that said no to a nude sex scene with scarlet Johanson. Fuck Him.

For shame!!! She's the first celebrity I would buy once sex-slaves clones become available.

 You might want to watch Woody Allen's next film then.

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This comment is earning him no media brownie points. 

"Told ya so" comments don't make people seem smarter, just annoying.  I know because I make them quite often.

He is pissed and rightly so that transformers went to the inferior format HDDVD. On another note, he has finished writing transformers 2(at least the main ideas) and is now waiting for the writing who are not striking anymore to flesh it out into a movie.

Yea, huge lesbo scene, supposed to blow Wild Things outta the water.

Anyway all Micheal Bay has to do know is learn how to make movies.

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie


Michael Bay pwns. He knows how to back the winning team and had the insight to see it from a while ago.

krik said:
CrazzyMan said:
even if it meant unemployment.
He is STUPID? LoL, i don`t think so.

 Not stupid, just a douch.

I totally agree he is a douch. Lots of talk but no actions. After all the crap he said about the Paramount/HDDVD deal and Transformers not being available on Blu-ray he should have quit Paramount.

so quiting your job to put a movie on your fav format is what would of made this guy cool to you......hmmmmmmm.......

transformers will be on blu-ray soon.....HD-DVD is dead..........Mike still has a job.............all 3 things he said was gonna happen.........He seems cool to me!