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Forums - Sony Discussion - Assassins's Creed PS4 1080p Patch Out...

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Captain_Tom said:
pezus said:
Looks more cinematic in 900p

LOL thank you!  That is how dumb some comments are...

I'm sure it was sarcasm .

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Great that the patch is out already, was planning on picking this up on Thursday. Watching some people play it on the live streams got me wanting to play it myself. Damn their diabolical scheme works.

ethomaz said:

walsufnir said:

Then the patch would be smaller. Code is never near 140mb.

That was my biggest complain with PS3 patches... they instead to make a binary comparision patch (that just create the difference between two binaries to be applyed) they sent every binary file changed (so all the files changed are sent into the patch).

So I guess the PS4 uses this bad way to patches games yet

You change one line in the code and you need to replace the full binary file... so I think the patch have a lot of files changed.

The way these games are coded it might be a simple #define in a header file, yet that could change thousands of lines of codes in the final binary.  There would not be a single function call to retrieve the screen dimensions every time it's needed, that just wasting processor cycles.
Add compiler optimizations on top, static arrays that all have different sizes, it adds up quickly.
140mb is a lot though. Reeks of added DLC waiting for an unlock key.

New good compression pics stolen from neogaf, try to watch it in 1080p native res for better effect!

I must say the new AA is quite glorious, looks like some kind of TXAA similar to Ryse.

This will be my first game on PS4. and in glorious 1080p