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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 version of DMC4 destroyed the PS3 in NA!!!!

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Who cares about the Japanese market. The NA and European/ Others markets matter the most. The Japanese have a weird taste for games. The Japanese continue to dismiss the XBox 360 as imported ****, their sales figures support this fact. I guess Westerners and the Japanese have very different tastes for games. Well done Sony and Nintendo continues to sell well worldwide. The XBox 360 is the main console in The USA but the Wii is catching up fast.



Xbox360 - 42,917

PS3        - 208,837

it would appear that CAPCOM cares 


Around the Network
ils411 said:
XBOX360 - 10.87m (73.75%)
PS3 - 3.87m (26.25%)

DMC4 NA Sales
XBOX360 - 265,693 (61.18%)
PS3 - 168,567 (38.82%)

XOBX360 - 2.44% of total user base bought dmc4
PS3 - 4.35% of total user base bought dmc4

PS3 did better than XBOX360.

 Hmm right it dosent work that way alot of factors need to be considered.

 PS2 had a 5X larger userbase than xbox but GTA only sold double what Halo sold, if Xbox had same userbase as PS2 that would mean Halo would have 35 - 40m... WRONG its the end sales that count not, thats a nice stat which shows that more people vs install base are buying it on PS3 because its a plastation franchise and has its userbase as playstation owners. but 360 still outsold it and thats all that matters

Username2324 said:
StanGable said:
So basically I can say that DMC4 is a total success for the 360 in Japan as well considering it sold 40k and it only has half a millon units sold there. Gotcha, that proves the 360 has a better attachment rate than the PS3 in Japan as well.

 Console ratio in NA 360 3:1 PS3, sales though were less than 2:1 while in Japan, the console ratio is a little more than PS3 3:1 360 while sales were about PS3 5:1 360, again PS3 wins in both scenarions when you take into account userbases.


Consoles : Xbox360 - 0.58m (23.39%);   PS3 - 1.90m (76.61%)

DMC4:       Xbox360 - 42,917 (17.05%):  PS3 - 208,837 (82.95%)

Xbox360 - 7.40% of install base bought dmc4

ps3     - 10.99% of install base bought dmc4


just no....

Townzy_89 said:
ils411 said:
XBOX360 - 10.87m (73.75%)
PS3 - 3.87m (26.25%)

DMC4 NA Sales
XBOX360 - 265,693 (61.18%)
PS3 - 168,567 (38.82%)

XOBX360 - 2.44% of total user base bought dmc4
PS3 - 4.35% of total user base bought dmc4

PS3 did better than XBOX360.

Hmm right it dosent work that way alot of factors need to be considered.

PS2 had a 5X larger userbase than xbox but GTA only sold double what Halo sold, if Xbox had same userbase as PS2 that would mean Halo would have 35 - 40m... WRONG its the end sales that count not, thats a nice stat which shows that more people vs install base are buying it on PS3 because its a plastation franchise and has its userbase as playstation owners. but 360 still outsold it and thats all that matters

 so now we get to talk about two completely different games?  nice.  so how does Gran turismo stack up against pdz?  i mean obviously its pdz so its better right?

 all games are different, so you cant compare them.  people compare multiplatform games because u cant talk abou anything else.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

uhh.. This thread just is too predictable. It's like comparing a PS2 multi plat to a GC multi plat. That's kinda stupid.

Around the Network
grimygunz said:
FishyJoe said:
Seems like to me, exclusives for the 360 and PS3 are going the way of the dodo. The way current games are selling, third parties won't favor one console over the other. They will concentrate on multi-platorm titles which pretty much wipes out the advantages one console may have over the other.

 Actually its the Third party exclusive is what going bye bye. MGS4, FF13 FFv13 and TeKKen could posible be the last of that dieing breed. 


First Party games will have to carry most the Destinctivness from now on. Nintendo has the most talented first party, Sony has the larges First party, MS has money to throw around to keep some third party games as first party (NG2, Gears, LO, Halo spin-off 1,2,3) by publishing.

I think part of the reason games like FF can stay exclusives so far is that they make half of their sales in Japan and 360 has totally failed there.

That and FF is such a huge franchise that by itself it can convince part of the gamer base to buy the platform it runs on...( doesn't mean they woudn't sell more if they were on 360 ).

You have to wonder how much kickback from Msft or Sony third party exclusive get too ( probably lower royalty and probably a lot of free marketing/advertising which for those game is not a negligible part of the cost) because a game like FF is probably loosing 2 million or so of sales by staying on PS3 only..( provided XIII sells like XII).


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Townzy_89 said:
ils411 said:
XBOX360 - 10.87m (73.75%)
PS3 - 3.87m (26.25%)

DMC4 NA Sales
XBOX360 - 265,693 (61.18%)
PS3 - 168,567 (38.82%)

XOBX360 - 2.44% of total user base bought dmc4
PS3 - 4.35% of total user base bought dmc4

PS3 did better than XBOX360.

 Hmm right it dosent work that way alot of factors need to be considered.

 PS2 had a 5X larger userbase than xbox but GTA only sold double what Halo sold, if Xbox had same userbase as PS2 that would mean Halo would have 35 - 40m... WRONG its the end sales that count not, thats a nice stat which shows that more people vs install base are buying it on PS3 because its a plastation franchise and has its userbase as playstation owners. but 360 still outsold it and thats all that matters

WW Sales

Install base
Xbox360 - 16.96m (63.33%)
PS3         - 9.78m (36.57%)

Xbox360 - 399,262 (46.27%)
PS3        - 463,562 (53.73%)

Xbox360 - 2.35% of install base bought dmc4

PS3       - 4.74% of install base bought dmc4

NA - yes, 360 did outsell ps3 version, but WW wise, ps3 sell more copies (outsold x360 version by 64k)

considering that the xbox360 has almost twice the install base of ps3 owners ww. like you said, total sales is what matters and it would seem that the ps3 version did better ww even with the large gap in install base.

so what does this mean? absolutely nothing, CAPCOM would still probably release their games on both platforms to maximize sales and profits. so if your a CAPCOM fan, things seems bright for you which ever system you buy.

and for halo, its almost general perception that xbox was a fps console which is why fps fans bought were the majority of the owners of it. while the ps2 was seen as having plenty of varieties of games which is why more casual gamers addopted it.

I think what is far more important than the 360 version of DMC4 beating the PS3 version, is that the 360 version pushed more hardware into consumers hands than the PS3 version did, as indicated by the percentage increases.""

==> I completely agree
price is very important
and since DMC4 has no online ==> Arcade POWA !!!!

Time to Work !

wow ps3 version outsold 360 by 64k but japan has over 60% drop this week, 360 will make that up with better drops in NA

870k first week sales across the board, thats got to be the best for this franchise right? will certainly beat DMC sales of 2.4m (?) across both platforms, so going multiplatform was wise decision by Capcom

Gnizmo said:
PooperScooper said:
developers don't look at regional sales dim wit. they look at total sales. Which the PS3 version is beating it out by 100k with 7mil less owners. I say Ps3 version = more successful for capcom than 360 version

 They absolutely look at regional sales as well as world wide sales. You have to know what your user base in various countries like in order to cater to them more specifically. World wide sales are almost certainly more important, but if they are close together than it doesn't matter much one way or the other. If the PS3 sold it at 100% attach rate but only sold as many as the 360 version then it would be equally succesful.

In case of a title like DMC4 regional sales are meaningless with respect to the game itself.  The game is the same as DMC through DMC3 and it isn't changing.  Capcom aren't going to look at these numbers and think they have to regionalise the game in any way.  All the numbers state is that PS3 owners are more likely to buy the game than 360 owners... but that enough 360 owners will buy it to make the cross-platform decision a wise one - it doens't say anything about regional tastes with respect to the game itself.

Few games are localised apart from Japanese specific games so far as I can see so your point seems none too valid to me.

As for other main topics in here - good grief grow up.  Sony hasn't lost anything to MS.  Its a game.  It used to only sell on one console, now it sells on two - wow.  You think Capcom is going to drop a PS3 version because the game also sells on 360?

All I can see is that unless a game is a paid, 1st party or regional orientated exclusive, there's no gain in being exlusive.  Sure Bioshock sold well on 360, but it would've sold better in total if it was on PS3 as well.  And as DMC4 has shown the reverse is true.  Sure it would have sold okay on PS3 only, and probably broken 1M on that platform alone, but its selling more thanks to 360.

I'm not too much a fan of exclusives - they actually do not favour the consumer only the supplier.  While there will be some I actually prefer the emerging trend that only a small number of 1st party or console dedicated developers will produce single console games while the majority will surely go cross-platform.  Why should I have to buy two almost identical devices to play all games (okay 3 actually)?  I only have one DVD player, I only have one TV (well, okay 3) but you get my point!

The more I think about it the more I'd actually prefer a single console spec with all games available - not that it's going to happen anytime soon if ever.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...