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Forums - General Discussion - Obama wins Virginia ...

Sweet! I live in Virginia and finally got my say in the primaries today and there was massive excitement for Obama today.. everyone complimented me on my Barack to the Future pin :)

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I think he was born in Hawaii, that one's in the bag.


The mainstream media keeps focusing on the race issue when it isn't about that at all. In fact, we were all told Hispanics wouldn't vote for a black person yet Obama led Clinton 53%-47% among Hispanics in Maryland, Virginia and DC according to exit polls. Even though some people stubbornly cling to racist ideals, I am hoping it will become apparent to even them that Obama is the best person for the job. 

hilary is screwed because of Bill's racist comment... this is good. Obama is the better candidate anyways.

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Jeesh, everyone is getting rallied up because a politician is saying what everyone wants to hear, and people are flocking.

The only way I see Obama, or even Hillary for that matter, cashing in on what they say is if the Democrats can get more seats in the Senate and House.

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Phoenix_34 said:
Im going for Obama too, by the way is anyone here actually going out to vote?

Well, my American-born brother-in-law isn't voting in any primaries, since he's living up here in Soviet Canuckistan, but he has stated that if Clinton is selected as the Democratic candidate, he won't be casting a vote in the upcoming election.

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My history teacher told us that Obama would NOT win because he is black and too many people in America aren't ready for a black president.

Not so sure anymore, but I guess since we are in Canada he doesn't completly understand the people.

The main thing I worry about is a canditate who has never run a challenged election running for president against a political group who has shown no scruples(swift veterans for truth) about soiling their oppoents name in a smear campaing. Obama has some dirt on him that has been spread around the castro district since he was elected senator for a few year. The same kind of dirt that was spread around about Larry Craig and whether true or not I doubt the republicans will not jump on it even if it was less creepy than Larry Craig.....Apparantly a gay guy is claiming he gave Obama a *&^% job in 1999 in the back of limo while doing coke. There is also the issue of the slum lord deal and the union deals he set in Chicago and the fact taht he set the record for NV's in the senate. I have also read on right wing blogs that they intend to go after his muslim influences. I know many people thnk I am smearing the man at this point I am not I think he would make a great president and I want a canditate who will win but his untarnished image in the media will be smeared and I have seen nothign from him weather past or present that has shown he can handle that. Me I choose the kettle the kettle that can be tarnished up because the tarnish is already known and there. With Obama it will be unkown. If you ask me if Obama gets the nomination I hope many of the things that could come out would be like the Bush drunk in 1996 video and never really come out because it doesn't matter but when running for the presidency what matters isn't as important as the image.

Aj_habfan said:
My history teacher told us that Obama would NOT win because he is black and too many people in America aren't ready for a black president.

Not so sure anymore, but I guess since we are in Canada he doesn't completly understand the people.

In the late 1800's there was a campaign for the presidency that had a women running for president and a black vice president(this was before women could even vote.

MontanaHatchet said:
Guess who's in Maryland and voted for the best candidate ever?

That's right, you heard me!
Your nation thanks you for voting Ron Paul :) 



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