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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GT5P - 100% Mandatory Install

If you uninstall a game you also lose your save file???

Just a question...I mean if you have more than 10 games installed on your HD you can uninstall some right?

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konnichiwa said:
If you uninstall a game you also lose your save file???

Just a question...I mean if you have more than 10 games installed on your HD you can uninstall some right?

I haven't experienced any of these PS3 installs but i'd wager no.  I'm guessing that the vast majority of the data copied over is to decrease load time by copying certain files over from the BD which would be deleted when you go to do so.  The actual gamesaves should be kept separate.

At least that's how it worked with the original Xbox's caching in certain games like Halo which copied huge amounts of data over to the HD.

game saves are separeate from installed game data. i must admit this is abit annoying now. blu-ray's capacity isnt so great if it's not being used to its advantage. the speed of the blu-ray drive inside of the ps3 is the main culprit.

So this is three games now (DMC4, HSG5, and GT5: P). And Warhwak? to an extent? So that's sixteen gigabytes of data, just for load times.

I have 160GB so no problem for me.

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DMeisterJ said:
So this is three games now (DMC4, HSG5, and GT5: P). And Warhwak? to an extent? So that's sixteen gigabytes of data, just for load times.

 More games have data installed, but these are the only games ive heard about which have 20 minutes to wait. Oblivion put 5GB on my HDD, Heavenly sword was around 2.5GB. Those installs didnt take anywhere near as long though :S

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

Username2324 said:
I have 160GB so no problem for me.

Thats like saying you practice safe sex so you don't even acknowledge that AIDs exists. While it might not impact you directly I am sure a million walking skeletons in Africa might have some impact on you somewhere along the line. Perhaps some of your tax dollars will be donated to try to alleviate some of the human suffering. You should at the very least empathize with the victims. Many of which gave and have given Sony unwavering support for whatever reason. I am talking about the early adopters that purchases the console they could afford. Which now might be finding themselves backed into a corner. I suppose its good for resolving the surplus population problem on the PSN. That an allusion to a Christmas Carol by the way. I am sure you could download it onto that large hard drive you have, and as a bonus it probably won't take twenty minutes to install.

God I hope this doesn't become the norm.

konnichiwa said:
If you uninstall a game you also lose your save file???

Just a question...I mean if you have more than 10 games installed on your HD you can uninstall some right?

 Right. Why you absolutely have to have 10 games installed and ready to go at a moment's notice is beyond me. Is it inconvenient that you might have to reinstall a game down the road because you deleted earlier to make space, yeah sure. Is it that terrible of a fate? Not for me at least. I'm in the middle of 3 games max at a time. And I might occasionally throw in another 3 games that I can jus quickly pick-up-and-play like Motorstorm or NHL 2K7. Even if all my games required installs, I still wouldn't have any problems. The mandatory install is only on a few games. Everyone just needs to relax. 

 BTW, Really, this GT5P info shouldn't be news at all. Warhawk, which was also a PSN/Blu-ray game required a full install as well.  

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

jman8 said:
konnichiwa said:
If you uninstall a game you also lose your save file???

Just a question...I mean if you have more than 10 games installed on your HD you can uninstall some right?

Right. Why you absolutely have to have 10 games installed and ready to go at a moment's notice is beyond me. Is it inconvenient that you might have to reinstall a game down the road because you deleted earlier to make space, yeah sure. Is it that terrible of a fate? Not for me at least. I'm in the middle of 3 games max at a time. And I might occasionally throw in another 3 games that I can jus quickly pick-up-and-play like Motorstorm or NHL 2K7. Even if all my games required installs, I still wouldn't have any problems. The mandatory install is only on a few games. Everyone just needs to relax.

BTW, Really, this GT5P info shouldn't be news at all. Warhawk, which was also a PSN/Blu-ray game required a full install as well.

So you think it's okay because no one should have 10 games installed and ready to play at a moment's notice?