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Forums - General Discussion - New holden designs SEXY OR WHAT!

Meh, not really my style, but I like some of the others posted.

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rendo said:
Don't understand a guys fascination with cars. An automobile gets you from point A to point B, so what does it matter how big the engine is, all it's fancy upholstery, etc etc. My dream car is one with 4WD that seats 7 or so comfortably that gets good mileage/tank.

I suppose it would be because a lot of males like to see their automobiles as a reflection of themselves - some want to be fast and sleek (sports cars), while others want to be big and tough (big trucks).


As for myself having a nice car would be good if I had a lot of money to burn (, but otherwise I'd just be happy with a reliable and well-put-together civic or something. 


"I'm a Japanese car fan, the sexiest cars in the world come from Japan, no-one can argue that."

arg, the tackiest cars come from Japan, no one can argue that. I mean japanese can make great, reliable cars. But the only halfway decent looking ones are from Nissan (by french designers). Italians make sexy cars but the only country that really can make cars are the Germans. (Ok self-praise is bad)

It looks too much like a car for my taste. Something has to not be a car for me to be able to get interested in it.

wow thats a sexy car

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I'm gunna get me a black ss commodore one day :D maybe HSV GTS :D Clubsport

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rendo said:
Don't understand a guys fascination with cars. An automobile gets you from point A to point B, so what does it matter how big the engine is, all it's fancy upholstery, etc etc. My dream car is one with 4WD that seats 7 or so comfortably that gets good mileage/tank.

From this point onwards, you are banished from my gender.