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What song are you most ashamed to admit you love! (mine is A-Ha! "Take on Me" followed by that Rick Roll song....)

Around the Network

^^Ilove that song too

When will earth split in two?


in minute because i am about to fart
which is hotter animal planet or adult channel ?

it not who i am but what i do that defines me. you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone walk on walk on.

Animal Planet. 112º Fahrenheit. Adult Channel is only 88º.

Robot Chicken or Family Guy?

robot chicken

but if you could have both?


Around the Network

You'd have the Cartoon Network.

If a tree falls in the woods, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?


Which is better:  the Weissritter or the Alteisen?

*mumbles incoherently*

Should I replay the entire Metal Gear saga, or the Halo Trilogy this weekend?

Metal Gear saga?

SHould i buy a second 8800gt 512mb or wait till the new nVidia lineup?

<The Knight of The Doomeds>

Wait for the 9800s.

Should I eat ice cream? I'm hungry as hell.