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Forums - General Discussion - Ask A Random Question, Answer the one above you

idk? maybe you? lolol
Why ?

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Cause its a hard question (and most guys are insecure about that kind of stuff)

What animal pisses you of and should be extinct ??? 





Who would you vote for in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections (assume you could, foreigners)?

Obama... he´s fine with me and I think its time for a black president (not that it really makes a difference as long as he does a good job) McCain and Hillary aren´t that bad eather though....just happy Bush will be gone

If you could rule the world would it be with terror of freedom ??? 




Who do u love?

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I love the Lord Jesus Christ.

What does the color green smell like?

Lots of people... family, friends... Nintendo :) JK

EDIT: Late again....

Smells like weed to me :) 

If you had a timemachine who would you visit what would you change ???




George Washington - put my name in the Const.
Why would I want to die?

Cause you could get 72 virgins and kill lots of infidels :) Just kidding.

What was the coolest Ninja Turtle ??? 




The small one
Who is taller?