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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination - Sorry VGC, But Your Thread Is In Another Castle


Rate Conegamer's Reign

10 81 70.43%
9 4 3.48%
8 2 1.74%
7 3 2.61%
6 0 0%
5 1 0.87%
4 0 0%
3 0 0%
2 1 0.87%
1 8 6.96%

Just remain calm and wait for Splatoon/Xenoblade/Star Fox/etc.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


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Clyde32 said:
You guys are over-reacting way too much about this.

Agreed. I was pissed for like, 5 minutes, but I cooled off.

From what I'm seeing, most people are mad because this affects the Wii U's sales. Guys, the Wii U isn't going to sell fantastic anyways. Zelda being a holiday 2015 title would've helped, but it wouldn't have saved the system. All we can do is just sit back, play the games that are going to come out, cry over Zelda not coming out this year and hope Zelda being delayed results in it being a much better experience.

I would also wait until after E3 to say the holiday period is doomed. 

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


episteme said:
Hehe, I noticed that the poll was a head-to-head race between Conegamer and FlamingWeazel until the latter was uncovered as Kerotan. He's sitting at 18 votes since then.

So, the 30th anniversary of Zelda is on February 21... Do you think a three month delay would be possible or do you expect a longer one like an entire year?

I honestly suspect Nintendo will have some kind of strategy for the holidays announced at E3 that will help offset Zelda.  Bundles galore and a pricecut or a new game from E3.  Not Zelda level most likely, but enough to get through.  Then Zelda will land first half of 2016 to give the console a sustained boost over the first half of 2016.  I'm not sure what the 2015 holiday strategy will be.  If it's XCX+Star Fox, Nintendo had better be willing to do some dang heavy lifting to make it work cause those titles will need it.  Star Fox is coming out of a generation long retirement and XCX is a young IP on its second release.  They will need good marketing, they will need bundles, they will need trailers.  In short, Nintendo will have to do everything RIGHT for these titles that they have done WRONG for so many others this gen. 

Nuvendil said:
I honestly suspect Nintendo will have some kind of strategy for the holidays announced at E3 that will help offset Zelda.  Bundles galore and a pricecut or a new game from E3.  Not Zelda level most likely, but enough to get through.  Then Zelda will land first half of 2016 to give the console a sustained boost over the first half of 2016.  I'm not sure what the 2015 holiday strategy will be.  If it's XCX+Star Fox, Nintendo had better be willing to do some dang heavy lifting to make it work cause those titles will need it.  Star Fox is coming out of a generation long retirement and XCX is a young IP on its second release.  They will need good marketing, they will need bundles, they will need trailers.  In short, Nintendo will have to do everything RIGHT for these titles that they have done WRONG for so many others this gen.  


I really don't think Nintendo would have delayed Zelda this early in the year if they didn't already have something to fill its place (for the most part, at least). 

I wonder if XCX+Star Fox+SMTxFE+Animal Crossing would be a strong enough lineup. I wouldn't say any of those are entirely unlikely to show up this year. I just want it to be E3 already so we can have an idea of what Nintendo is up to.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Skullwaker said:
Nuvendil said:
I honestly suspect Nintendo will have some kind of strategy for the holidays announced at E3 that will help offset Zelda.  Bundles galore and a pricecut or a new game from E3.  Not Zelda level most likely, but enough to get through.  Then Zelda will land first half of 2016 to give the console a sustained boost over the first half of 2016.  I'm not sure what the 2015 holiday strategy will be.  If it's XCX+Star Fox, Nintendo had better be willing to do some dang heavy lifting to make it work cause those titles will need it.  Star Fox is coming out of a generation long retirement and XCX is a young IP on its second release.  They will need good marketing, they will need bundles, they will need trailers.  In short, Nintendo will have to do everything RIGHT for these titles that they have done WRONG for so many others this gen.  


I really don't think Nintendo would have delayed Zelda this early in the year if they didn't already have something to fill its place (for the most part, at least). 

I wonder if XCX+Star Fox+SMTxFE+Animal Crossing would be a strong enough lineup. I wouldn't say any of those are entirely unlikely to show up this year. I just want it to be E3 already so we can have an idea of what Nintendo is up to.

Animal Crossing would be a huge boon for Nintendo this Holiday.  SMTxFE would be a nice bonus, but wouldn't help a ton.  Would help appearances.  If Fast Racing Neo lands in the Holidays, I would help fund their promotion too; it's a showpiece at least :P .  Star Fox does have nostalgia on its side.  Xenoblade has a lot of potential I think for the market, but it's not the kind of game that explodes onto the scene like some sort of sensation.  It's more like Elder Scrolls, growing from game to game.  To expect it to go from the competent ~1mil start to carrying a holiday?  That's expecting a heck of a lot. 

Around the Network
Nuvendil said:
Animal Crossing would be a huge boon for Nintendo this Holiday.  SMTxFE would be a nice bonus, but wouldn't help a ton.  Would help appearances.  If Fast Racing Neo lands in the Holidays, I would help fund their promotion too; it's a showpiece at least :P .  Star Fox does have nostalgia on its side.  Xenoblade has a lot of potential I think for the market, but it's not the kind of game that explodes onto the scene like some sort of sensation.  It's more like Elder Scrolls, growing from game to game.  To expect it to go from the competent ~1mil start to carrying a holiday?  That's expecting a heck of a lot. 

Yeah, I don't think they could do much individually (aside from AC and maybe XCX) but all of them releasing in a 3-4 month period would be killer and could keep up the momentum for Nintendo.

Plus there would be games in between like Mario Maker and Devil's Third (the former being more of a system seller than the latter, but DT could help appearances as well if it's polished).

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Skullwaker said:
Nuvendil said:
Animal Crossing would be a huge boon for Nintendo this Holiday.  SMTxFE would be a nice bonus, but wouldn't help a ton.  Would help appearances.  If Fast Racing Neo lands in the Holidays, I would help fund their promotion too; it's a showpiece at least :P .  Star Fox does have nostalgia on its side.  Xenoblade has a lot of potential I think for the market, but it's not the kind of game that explodes onto the scene like some sort of sensation.  It's more like Elder Scrolls, growing from game to game.  To expect it to go from the competent ~1mil start to carrying a holiday?  That's expecting a heck of a lot. 

Yeah, I don't think they could do much individually (aside from AC and maybe XCX) but all of them releasing in a 3-4 month period would be killer and could keep up the momentum for Nintendo.

Plus there would be games in between like Mario Maker and Devil's Third (the former being more of a system seller than the latter, but DT could help appearances as well if it's polished).

On the subject of appearances, the other option for Nintendo if they go with just the current lineup plus a price cut woudl be to have an ad campaign more focused on the Wii U as a whole than just one game.  For example, if their holiday price is $250 with Splatoon, XCX, and Star Fox bundles (probably one would be limited), they could do a sizzle reel commercial showing all the highlights of the Wii U:  Smash, Kart, 3D World, Splatoon, Bayo2, XCX, Star Fox, etc.  They could then conclude the ad with showing the three bundles on offer and the new pricepoint of $250 (ok, newish; I expect $250 probably this summer).  I think an ad campaign like that could at least get them by with a solid holiday and help offset the lack of a flagship franchise title. 

Nuvendil said:
Skullwaker said:
Nuvendil said:
Animal Crossing would be a huge boon for Nintendo this Holiday.  SMTxFE would be a nice bonus, but wouldn't help a ton.  Would help appearances.  If Fast Racing Neo lands in the Holidays, I would help fund their promotion too; it's a showpiece at least :P .  Star Fox does have nostalgia on its side.  Xenoblade has a lot of potential I think for the market, but it's not the kind of game that explodes onto the scene like some sort of sensation.  It's more like Elder Scrolls, growing from game to game.  To expect it to go from the competent ~1mil start to carrying a holiday?  That's expecting a heck of a lot. 

Yeah, I don't think they could do much individually (aside from AC and maybe XCX) but all of them releasing in a 3-4 month period would be killer and could keep up the momentum for Nintendo.

Plus there would be games in between like Mario Maker and Devil's Third (the former being more of a system seller than the latter, but DT could help appearances as well if it's polished).

On the subject of appearances, the other option for Nintendo if they go with just the current lineup plus a price cut woudl be to have an ad campaign more focused on the Wii U as a whole than just one game.  For example, if their holiday price is $250 with Splatoon, XCX, and Star Fox bundles (probably one would be limited), they could do a sizzle reel commercial showing all the highlights of the Wii U:  Smash, Kart, 3D World, Splatoon, Bayo2, XCX, Star Fox, etc.  They could then conclude the ad with showing the three bundles on offer and the new pricepoint of $250 (ok, newish; I expect $250 probably this summer).  I think an ad campaign like that could at least get them by with a solid holiday and help offset the lack of a flagship franchise title. 

or just make prime 4 with modern day online shooter multiplayer

with a bundle and a huge ass marketing campaign

metroid does what codon't


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

OfficerRaichu15 said:
Nuvendil said:
Skullwaker said:

Yeah, I don't think they could do much individually (aside from AC and maybe XCX) but all of them releasing in a 3-4 month period would be killer and could keep up the momentum for Nintendo.

Plus there would be games in between like Mario Maker and Devil's Third (the former being more of a system seller than the latter, but DT could help appearances as well if it's polished).

On the subject of appearances, the other option for Nintendo if they go with just the current lineup plus a price cut woudl be to have an ad campaign more focused on the Wii U as a whole than just one game.  For example, if their holiday price is $250 with Splatoon, XCX, and Star Fox bundles (probably one would be limited), they could do a sizzle reel commercial showing all the highlights of the Wii U:  Smash, Kart, 3D World, Splatoon, Bayo2, XCX, Star Fox, etc.  They could then conclude the ad with showing the three bundles on offer and the new pricepoint of $250 (ok, newish; I expect $250 probably this summer).  I think an ad campaign like that could at least get them by with a solid holiday and help offset the lack of a flagship franchise title. 

or just make prime 4 with modern day online shooter multiplayer

with a bundle and a huge ass marketing campaign

metroid does what codon't

Well yes, Metroid would be great.  But I was making the point that without a game like that, a sizzle reel would be better. 

As for Metroid, I would love 2015.  But if Zelda launches first half 2016 and Metroid second half, that would make for quite the bookends for 2016.  But we'll see.  I do have my fingers crossed for a megaton bomb dropping at E3 2015. 

Nuvendil said:
On the subject of appearances, the other option for Nintendo if they go with just the current lineup plus a price cut woudl be to have an ad campaign more focused on the Wii U as a whole than just one game.  For example, if their holiday price is $250 with Splatoon, XCX, and Star Fox bundles (probably one would be limited), they could do a sizzle reel commercial showing all the highlights of the Wii U:  Smash, Kart, 3D World, Splatoon, Bayo2, XCX, Star Fox, etc.  They could then conclude the ad with showing the three bundles on offer and the new pricepoint of $250 (ok, newish; I expect $250 probably this summer).  I think an ad campaign like that could at least get them by with a solid holiday and help offset the lack of a flagship franchise title. 

I wonder constantly why they haven't done a sizzle reel ad. There are so many quality games on the Wii U to show off, so why haven't they? An ad explaining the Wii U itself is also necessary. I mean, they've done an amiibo ad, so one for the console itself only seems fair.

Bundles + good ads + price cut + the games I mentioned (give or take another) could offset Zelda's absence in the holiday period. We can only wait and see.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread