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Forums - Sony Discussion - New resistance 2 info

Picture of the new stalker:

It's so much more detailed than the original.

And here's some killer artwork:

Check out the size of that ship!


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outlawauron said:
@ starcraft

I reccomend you at least rent the first one. It had a pretty good story for a FPS. Try out the multi and see how you like it.

 I agree =p.

now i got to find money for this too...

Considering that RFOM1 is going platinum there is no reason why anyone that owns a ps3 shouldn't own one unless they don't like fps games. I can't wait for the second game as it will probably run at 720p 60fps with AA. Having said that Insomniac may throw us a curve ball and serve this baby up in glorious 1080p mwahaha. On a serious note we can only hope :)