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Forums - General Discussion - MAC vs PC vs Linux Comic


Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

Around the Network
ssj12 said:
Morgyn said:

well PC is the nickname for Windows based computers so it fits.

PC refers to either an kind of personal computer or an IBM-compatible PC, meaning x86 instruction set running DOS, Windows or OS/2.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

You don't know how to ask thinks here, learn from this comic:


 If you only ask a thing without "sudo", you can have this:




Well I saw once in this forum the comic you wanna, but I can't find it right now...

Game_boy said:


I don't think it is the one he was looking for, but better...


Over 90% percent of OS on PC's is Windows. The rest is comprised of Mac, Linux, etc.

Around the Network

God is Jesus. Jesus is God. Windows is PC. PC is Windows. Windows is the way to go unless you are a computer nerd than well there are alternative OS out there for you to play with.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Over 90% percent of OS on PC's is Windows. The rest is comprised of Mac, Linux, etc.

 Your point is...? Market share says nothing about relative merit.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Over 90% percent of OS on PC's is Windows. The rest is comprised of Mac, Linux, etc.

 That's desktop market share.  Windows is closer to 65% for server market share on PC's.


finally I found it...     
