It's episodes like this that bring out the worst in the game community.
She's a transexual. So if she says she's a she, then she's a she. Calling her a "he" is just being grossly disrespectful. Sexual identity is more then just black and white.
It's ironic seeing the gaming community actually react to a review's substance for a change..only for it to react to it in the most immature way imaginable. Misogyny IS a problem in gaming. In the community, in the industry, in the product. No, it isn't a universal truth and it can certainly be overblown by the feminists, but it IS an issue nonetheless, and it would not surprise in the least if GTA5 has that problem. She isn't saying it's a bad game because of it, but if she thinks that is a problem, she has every right to address it.
WagnerPaiva said: I already pre-ordered the game, but, well, I respect her opinion, I don´t agree, but respect. If we start this kind of argument, every "save the princess" game is misoginistic. That is just dumb, it is a video game, it suposed to be fun, nothing more. |
For reviewers who do this for a living, video games are more then that. They are art. Complaining about misogyny in a game's story comes hand in hand with treating it like art. What you advocate is that we treat video games as toys. If you want to, that's fine, but I think that ignores all the work video game makers put into their product.