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nope, but i waited till i was married(both my husband and i) thats the way to go!!

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Yup i am. And I'm 21. Most people think that's weird, but i don't care.

Truth does not fear investigation

WessleWoggle said:
NightAntilli said:
Yup i am. And I'm 21. Most people think that's weird, but i don't care.

I think you do care on some level. Otherwise you would not have stated that you don't care, you wouldn't have even mentioned not caring.

Some people care about people thinking they're a virgin.

Some people care about people caring that they don't care that they're not a virgin. Like you. They actually do care either on a subconcious level or a concious level of denial, and thus feel the need to mention they don't care.

Some people don't even think about other people caring if they're a virgin or not, and thus don't mention it at all. They're the ones who truly don't care.

If you truly didn't care you wouldn't have had the introspective thought of not caring if other people care.






Ok fine. Let me refrase that. Yup, I'm a virgin, and I'm 21. Most people think that's weird, but i don't really mind being a virgin.

That better?


Truth does not fear investigation

*double Post* sorry

Truth does not fear investigation

Are you Docter Phill Wes???

Around the Network
WessleWoggle said:
NightAntilli said:
WessleWoggle said:
NightAntilli said:
Yup i am. And I'm 21. Most people think that's weird, but i don't care.

I think you do care on some level. Otherwise you would not have stated that you don't care, you wouldn't have even mentioned not caring.

Some people care about people thinking they're a virgin.

Some people care about people caring that they don't care that they're not a virgin. Like you. They actually do care either on a subconcious level or a concious level of denial, and thus feel the need to mention they don't care.

Some people don't even think about other people caring if they're a virgin or not, and thus don't mention it at all. They're the ones who truly don't care.

If you truly didn't care you wouldn't have had the introspective thought of not caring if other people care.






Ok fine. Let me refrase that. Yup, I'm a virgin, and I'm 21. Most people think that's weird, but i don't really mind being a virgin.

That better?




Nope. Not better. Try again. Know what you did wrong? You didn't tell why you don't mind being a virgin.

Or, the fact that you replied shows you dcare even more, and the additional fact that you double posted it, proves your rage.

Hahahahaha, anti-logic to the rescue. Fallacious arguments on my part? Didn't you know I was kidding? :P


-.- whatever


Truth does not fear investigation

No, altough I've had sex with a single woman in my life. She's still my gf nowadays.






To be honest, I lost my virginity at a too young age.

Man this thread is a classic.Probably one of my favorite.Also did you guys know I was suppose to make it?Previous to this thread me and that Dmeister kid talked and I made a thread about boners, but it quickly got banned while he made this one.Still I got a sort of equivalent that was the girlfriends thread.Anyway I am bumping this so that new members can see it and also maybe it could encourage DmeisterJ to come back to post and switch his avatar to the cat one.

Yes! My asshole is.