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Forums - General Discussion - My Potential New PC...input wanted!!

If you want to stick with AMD and can afford one, I'd get an AM2+ board, as it will fit the new Phenom CPU aswell if you want to upgrade.

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ssj12 said:
Actually here is a review for motherboards you should consider

 Look's nice, but, It is a lot more than my newly selected mobo, the intel chip would cost more, and I don't think I will need HDMI as I plan on connect the pc wirelessly to my tv when I finally get an HDTv and new wireless transmitters are emerging that transmit HD.

superchunk said:
Neos said:
get a 8800GT instead^^


 dont listen to him. 8500GT will be enough, hell an 8400GS is enough for media center PCs unless you do video editing then you want an FX card.

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ssj12 said:
superchunk said:
Neos said:
get a 8800GT instead^^


 dont listen to him. 8500GT will be enough, hell an 8400GS is enough for media center PCs unless you do video editing then you want an FX card.

pardon,whats an FX card?
im new to computers, but im really interested ^^

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

ok so the last real change I can see as a possibility is that you all have pushed Intel over AMD.

Question is why?

From my experience, this will be the 4th PC I have built, is that AMD is usually cheaper priced for a faster CPU+MOBO combination.

The only negative I have ever seen is that AMD's run hotter.

Right now I have a 64bit dual core 2.1 GHz w/ 128kb L1 and 512kb L2 @ 2000MHz. with a quality MOBO (Asus) for a total of $140.

What is the comparable Intel setup and price and benefits over this.

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I just looked dual core 64 bit Intel's and I'm see it starting at $125. So I can tell the price is going to much greater than the AMD setup.

So, what benefit would make spending a lot more on the Intel?

Current Intel's have greater performance for the money, compared to AMD's.

If i'm not mistaken intels are better for video editing, but i guess if you're really not interested in video editing you can go with AMD. Only, i would always take components that generate less heat, but i'm probably saying that because i have 2 7800GTX-es :P


fazz said:
Current Intel's have greater performance for the money, compared to AMD's.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ Brisbane 2.1GHz with 2000Mhz @ $60


Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 Allendale 2.2GHz with 800Mhz @ $125

Sorry. But I don't see the savings and this was the cheapest dual core Intel.

iclim4 said:
ssj12 said:
superchunk said:
Neos said:
get a 8800GT instead^^


 dont listen to him. 8500GT will be enough, hell an 8400GS is enough for media center PCs unless you do video editing then you want an FX card.

pardon,whats an FX card?
im new to computers, but im really interested ^^

 the FX branded cards are made for animation, video editing, and graphic editing/creation only. They have piss poor performance for gaming but on the designer side they are powerful.


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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453