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Forums - General Discussion - A lot of people should stop throwing around the words fanboy and troll.

Legend11 said:
RolStoppable said:

Graphics comparison between Galaxy and Sunshine.

Does Nintendo get too much credit for saving the videogame industry?

Chief editor of Play Magazine says Nintendo is going to abandon the core gamer market.

David Jaffe: "Ratchet & Clank is a better game than Super Mario Galaxy."

Want to know something funny about the Galaxy vs. Sunshine thread? It came along after several Halo 2 vs. Halo 3 graphic comparison threads in which almost nobody saw anything wrong but the moment I posted the same thing about Super Mario Galaxy suddenly many people were angry. Add to that the fact that I was just reporting on a video on that was starting to get a lot of attention.

The problem with "An eye for an eye" is that everyone is left blind.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

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Riot Of The Blood said:
If you guys look carefuly, you will notice that it's always the people who aren't Wii fans that are getting called trolls. Now, I am not accusing the mods of being bias or playing favorites. I do, however, feel that the Nintendo fans are way to sensetive over the slightest criticism, regardless of if it's valid or not. As stated by the mods, it does not matter if a persons post had malicious intent or not. Instead, all it takes is someone to get pissed of over it. Nintendo fans will be upset over the smallest thing, and then they will proceed to report you. Thus, users are being banned and warned simply for voicing an opinion. It should not be this way, because then it will only result in bullshit bans. No justice will be served, which defeats the whole purpose in even having the mods around.

That's an interesting characterization of Nintendo fans. Why are they so easily upset? And on the flip side, why are Sony and Microsoft fans such models of decorum? 

damkira said:

Its because Legend11's avatar has never changed that his posts have stuck in my mind and I can remember some of the more irrational anti-wii threads he created.

Nintendo is just as bad as Communism.

Miyamoto is old, and Nintendo will fail when he retires.

Piracy will destroy the DS.

The graphics in SSBB are good, therefore they must be CGI.

Surely, there are much more but those are the ones that have made a particular impression. Legend11 seems personally offended by the Wii's success but to me a troll only wants to disrupt a forum and I don't think that's his goal.


actually, legend11 used to have some sort of dark hooded man as his avatar, back when I first saw him. 


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

fkusumot said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
If you guys look carefuly, you will notice that it's always the people who aren't Wii fans that are getting called trolls. Now, I am not accusing the mods of being bias or playing favorites. I do, however, feel that the Nintendo fans are way to sensetive over the slightest criticism, regardless of if it's valid or not. As stated by the mods, it does not matter if a persons post had malicious intent or not. Instead, all it takes is someone to get pissed of over it. Nintendo fans will be upset over the smallest thing, and then they will proceed to report you. Thus, users are being banned and warned simply for voicing an opinion. It should not be this way, because then it will only result in bullshit bans. No justice will be served, which defeats the whole purpose in even having the mods around.

That's an interesting characterization of Nintendo fans. Why are they so easily upset? And on the flip side, why are Sony and Microsoft fans such models of decorum? 

 I would have to disagree, I don't believe i've ever reported anyone, i've allowed the mods to handle it if they deem it worthy


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Legend11 said:
RolStoppable said:

Graphics comparison between Galaxy and Sunshine.

Does Nintendo get too much credit for saving the videogame industry?

Chief editor of Play Magazine says Nintendo is going to abandon the core gamer market.

David Jaffe: "Ratchet & Clank is a better game than Super Mario Galaxy."

Want to know something funny about the Galaxy vs. Sunshine thread? It came along after several Halo 2 vs. Halo 3 graphic comparison threads in which almost nobody saw anything wrong but the moment I posted the same thing about Super Mario Galaxy suddenly many people were angry. Add to that the fact that I was just reporting on a video on that was starting to get a lot of attention.

 And so you do exactly what irritaded you?  If you have a problem with a certain person, or a few people that are doing such things, why not take it up with them.  Why then go and become an irritance to a whole fan base?

 And, uhm, I had problems with all the attacks on Halo 3 myself.  Doesn't mean I'm going to then attack some other consoles big game.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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fkusumot said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
If you guys look carefuly, you will notice that it's always the people who aren't Wii fans that are getting called trolls. Now, I am not accusing the mods of being bias or playing favorites. I do, however, feel that the Nintendo fans are way to sensetive over the slightest criticism, regardless of if it's valid or not. As stated by the mods, it does not matter if a persons post had malicious intent or not. Instead, all it takes is someone to get pissed of over it. Nintendo fans will be upset over the smallest thing, and then they will proceed to report you. Thus, users are being banned and warned simply for voicing an opinion. It should not be this way, because then it will only result in bullshit bans. No justice will be served, which defeats the whole purpose in even having the mods around.

That's an interesting characterization of Nintendo fans. Why are they so easily upset? And on the flip side, why are Sony and Microsoft fans such models of decorum?

I assume they get upset because of their Nintendo-is-perfect beliefs. For Nintendo fans, following Nintendo is like following a religion. When someone else does not share their beliefs, they simply can not handle it. ll you really have to do is not think Mario and Zelda are the greatest, and you're a troll.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

I think your response went over Riot's head, fkusumot.

Desroko said:
I think your response went over Riot's head, fkusumot.

 Certainly Did.  Riot, from my observations, I don't think a fan of one system is being any less sensitive than another.  There are definitely individual gamers of all console preferences that need to calm themselves down.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Riot Of The Blood said:
If you guys look carefuly, you will notice that it's always the people who aren't Wii fans that are getting called trolls. Now, I am not accusing the mods of being bias or playing favorites. I do, however, feel that the Nintendo fans are way to sensetive over the slightest criticism, regardless of if it's valid or not. As stated by the mods, it does not matter if a persons post had malicious intent or not. Instead, all it takes is someone to get pissed of over it. Nintendo fans will be upset over the smallest thing, and then they will proceed to report you. Thus, users are being banned and warned simply for voicing an opinion. It should not be this way, because then it will only result in bullshit bans. No justice will be served, which defeats the whole purpose in even having the mods around.

Really? I could have swore that GGE/Gballzack were repeatedly called trolls before being banned (and rightfully so).  Plenty of Wii fans have been called trolls, some deservedly others not so much just like PS360 fans.  The problem is people will get upset and point out specific examples of "trollbaiting" PS3/360 fans and ignore when it happens to Nintendo fans. 

You mentioned above that you aren't currently accusing mods of being bias but it's well known from your previous posting history you were definitely against twesterm becoming a mod.  He's the one who temporary banned Soriku for spamming yet I doubt you'll remember that tidbit past tonight.

Riot Of The Blood said:
If you guys look carefuly, you will notice that it's always the people who aren't Wii fans that are getting called trolls. Now, I am not accusing the mods of being bias or playing favorites. I do, however, feel that the Nintendo fans are way to sensetive over the slightest criticism, regardless of if it's valid or not. As stated by the mods, it does not matter if a persons post had malicious intent or not. Instead, all it takes is someone to get pissed of over it. Nintendo fans will be upset over the smallest thing, and then they will proceed to report you. Thus, users are being banned and warned simply for voicing an opinion. It should not be this way, because then it will only result in bullshit bans. No justice will be served, which defeats the whole purpose in even having the mods around.

Not true, the first two that come to mind are Soriku and Gball.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)