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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guitar Rising: Guitar Hero with Real Guitar

Damn, I've been wanting a game like this since I first tried Guitar Hero.

I want some specifics, and I want some now! =P

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wow i never heard of this but if it can deliver it will be revolutionary

on wiki it says for pc and mac

I want. I want now. Ahhhh! Leroyyyyyyyy Jenkins!

This is very interesting.

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A game that will teach me to play basic guitar?

Hell yes I say.

So excited! I want this.
its cool that itll actually teach you how to play a real guitar.

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I've emailed them about a possible Wii version, since Wii would logically be the best console for them to try getting a console version out for (larger audience, biggest "casual" audience, audience most ready for unique, innovative concepts like this, etc).

And a console version would simply be a much better idea, since I'd rather sit with a guitar in front of a TV instead of a PC screen. I hate sitting in front of a PC screen with my guitar. That's why I print tabs off before I try playing them.

If anybody else is interested in emailing them about a Wii version, you can contact them at or


My son will love this, he plays the guitar and is playing with his band in school today in front of some famous group who are coming in to watch, but as he left this morning there were no clues to who!

Last time the school managed to get Status Quo, although I'd just like to emphesize I'm not a fan!

Actually, no. Let's try not making ignorant statements next time, eh? I've stated at least five or six dozen times on these boards that I am in no way a fanboy. I have stated dozens of times that I plan on purchasing a 360 as soon as I can afford it, and I have made it very clear that if I ever go for a blu-ray player, it will most definitely be a PS3 (and with the possible price-cuts that are coming around, the PS3 may be a more viable solution soon enough).

Don't call me a fanboy. You just make yourself look like a tool.

There are quite a few problems with releasing it for the PS3 or 360. First off, those versions are the least guaranteed successes. The PS3 and 360 both have much more niche markets than the Wii, and they have sold far less worldwide. When releasing a game for a very unique market, you never release it for the console that will most likely have trouble reaching that market. That's why high-end graphics shooters don't come out for the Wii - it has WAY too much trouble reaching the markets that those specific games market towards. The Wii is, in every way, reaching for the type of people that would purchase this game. It's only common sense to expect it to do best on the Wii.

Second, let's talk about the market a game like this is aiming toward. This game requires you to have a real, working electric guitar at home. I'll wager to guess that the majority of gamers, particularly those that own a PS3/360, do not own an electric guitar, nor do they plan on purchasing one anytime soon, even for a game like this. Of course, I'm not saying that no gamers own an electric guitar, but I can almost guarantee that the vast majority of them don't. So, if you're going to market a game like this to gamers, you're going to want to go to the (1) biggest number of gamers, (2) biggest potential number of gamers, (3) console that is most likely to be able to have people that can afford picking up something like this. The Wii is the cheapest console, and putting games out for it is the cheapest. So, an aspiring developer will consider that.

Three, Gametank is a brand-new developer. This is the first game they'll have released. As a result, they don't exactly have the funds nor resources to just whore their games out. They have to go for the most sure shots. Given the above statements, it's obvious that the Wii provides the most sure shot of all consoles. In fact, they may not even be able to afford developing a Wii version. In order to release a Wii version, they would pretty much have to get a large publisher's help with it (which wouldn't be so hard, though - I'm sure dozens of publishers would jump on the chance to get a successful competitor to Guitar Hero and Rockband out there). In order to release any new versions for any console, they have to do a pretty big amount of work to port it. That can be costly. Without the funds of prior gamesales available, they have to greatly limit the amount of costs they rack up. That means they can't develop a version for every single console available. They just don't have those funds. Naturally, that means they have to select the console that will be the most surefire success. That is obviously the Wii, in a case such as this.
