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Forums - General Discussion - Big Bang. How did it happen?

I thought I had some pretty cool ideas about this stuff. Then I heard some people who really know what they're talking about debate the issue. Let's just say I've stayed the heck away from it ever since. =P

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Dodece said:
There really isn't a satisfying answer I am afraid. We are still chasing the chicken and the egg analogy. Even if you spin up alternate universes you still have to justify those universes, and how all the universes got spun up in the first place. By invoking probabilities, or multiple universes, or whatever new theory comes along you just seem to refine and push back the clock a few more inches until you have to explain the next chain in events.

The egg came first.

OT: If you want a simplified overview, read A Brief History of Time. If you want an even simpler overview, read A Briefer History of Time

For all those who want to know the truth, watch Monty Pythons 'The meaning of Life' for a graphical representation.

And it's pretty obvious that the cockerell came first