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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games that deserve the HD Remake (or, My excuse to talk about SoTC More)

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Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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Legend11 said:
naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
Chrono Trigger, not in the way the later FF games changed the presentation of that series compared to FF VI but in a toned down heavily artistic way that can be seen in games like Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.

Did you ever play Chrono Trigger? Because it's a very dark game in many ways, and the cell shaded style of Eternal Sonata and Tales would be awkward and inappropriate. You might as well give Mario an AK47 and tell him to kill nazis.

@ Rol, Whaaaaaa? Since when? You never told me this! We need more FFIX fans on the site.

You can have dark and cell shaded. There are animated movies and anime that are very dark and that have the look I'm getting at, Disney's The Black Cauldron for example. Naznatips I'm not accusing you of anything but I get the impression that you are biased against non-Nintendo consoles and I feel that it's causing you to be blinded to the possibilities of games on those consoles.

How does any of this have to do with Nintendo Legend?  Where was a console ever mentioned in this discussion?  Where did you get the idea that the Wii can't do cell shading?  To the contrary, cell shading would be the style that would most benefit the Wii, as it's the style that has the least difference between HD and standard def. 

I'm talking about game style here Legend, not consoles.   I don't think Cell Shading is the proper style for a CT remake.  To be honest, I don't think it's the appropriate game for a 3D remake.  An HD 2D remake would be pretty cool, but it's style isn't really right for 3D IMO.  If you wanted to pick a 2D RPG to remake to 3D in HD, FFVI would be the better choice.

PS:  I'm hardly against anything non-Nintendo... I play most of the games you do, just on PC, where they are better.  If you don't belive me, ask makingmusic or someone else who has steam and can see that I play CoD4, The Orange Box, etc.  Everything posted on this site doesn't have to be about consoles, and you don't need to make everything into an attack on Nintendo.

Have you played Eternal Sonata?  And if you think I'm making this into an attack on Nintendo then it must be in the same way I see you and the 360 and PS3.  For example Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, if that game had a PC version I would be willing to bet you would have more praise for it and say you're going to play the PC version of the game yet because it's not you look for ways to put down the technology being used for the 360 and PS3 versions of the game.  I knew as soon as I found out there was no PC version that if you posted about the game that you would do that.

As for the "PC is always better mentality", I'm a PC gamer as well and I don't agree with that.  Sure I prefer the PC for strategy games (who doesn't?) but for online FPS games the 360 removes (or does for the vast majority) one of the most annoying things I find about PC online FPSs are gaming keyboards, mice, keyboard bindings, etc, that remove a level playing field (excluding ping times that unfortunately can't be removed).  I'd sooner have a system in which everyone is forced to use the same input device for such games than one that gives many players an advantage over others.

You say you're a PC gamer who dislikes mouse, etc. for FPS!!!  I have console and PC but don't talk rubbish.  FPS relies on precision of aiming and the mouse is a far better (quantifiably so) input device than a gamepad... guess you just got bitter being owned online with PC as you have access to same mouse, key-bindings, etc. as everyone else.  Just like with console PING is the only variable (aside from cheats but that's a totall separate issue).

I'm trying to wean myself from PC to console (COD4, RFOM and Warhawk being the big experiments) as I'm tired of cost of upgrading and I'm finding FPS are fun to play on console - but better input device!!!  Get out of here.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

ah yes, lets see

Faxanadu HD
Snake Rattle n Roll
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Shadow of Colossus (would buy a PS3)

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The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

ff7 and ff8 must remakes. GoW 1 and 2 to fit in with GoW 3 :P Mgs 1,2 and 3 :P to fit in with mgs4 - well mgs 1 would be nice. Silent hill 1... that game is still scary with ps1 gfx... but in hd ... who knows :P

I'd like to see alot of ps1 games remade :D

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

Oh, and Silent Hill - all of them...

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...