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Forums - General Discussion - Clowns: Creepy or Funny?


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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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Watch the movie "IT"

Creepy and annoying.

Depends on whether or not they can make those really awesome balloon animals.

I personally don't like clowns, but I took my family to the circus last Friday. The clown there didn't wear too much make-up, and he was halarious! Yeah. Shocked the hell out of me!!

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ssj12 said:
clowns are annoying

but The Joker from The Dark Knight is freaking awesome.

 Joker is the only exception. But then again hes more of a jester than a clown.

PSN ID: Sol_Protege     Wii:154209933064989 

I find them creepy, probably because of all the films featuring a killer clown with a knife.


The Clown Prince of Crime used to be my avatar. I kept getting requests to change it. Now you guys say the Joker is awesome?

Every person has 2 sides to them in some degree, and if a Clown's personable side is that wack just think what their evil side is like.


But then again, Ron Paul is pretty funny.