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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

MoHasanie said:
I don't think geographical bias will be its biggest problem. The price difference is the biggest problem which is surprising because MS could easily take a loss on it but then that would be a silly business decision.
The 360 did well mainly because it was cheaper than the PS3.

Price has nothing to do with it. If it was the same price or cheaper than the PS4, it would still get outsold because PlayStation is more popular around the world. The 360 did well because it came out first, and the price is completely different. You had a $200 price difference with the 360/PS3, the X1/PS4 is just a $100 difference.




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Bluray drive - welcome to 2006 MS
Standard harddrive with external HD support  - welcome to 2006 MS
Improved gamepad (D-pad and trigger) - yet it still isnt the best or near the best
No MS points - Pretty much every gaming online store has been doing this since... well.... forever
Live Gold Free Games - just on xbox 360, just for the end of the year
Dedicated servers  - this one is a cool feature, ill give you that.
Region free - welcome to 2006 MS
Smart Match > Truskill matchmaking - agin another cool feature
More reliable - how do we know this? this is no data what so ever about this since the console isnt out
Improved 1st party Studio support with increased 3rd party deals - third party deals never last long, just ask MS with their experience with the 360. the dev will make a game exclusive, then after a while port it to other consoles/pc. then their next game will be multiplate. so really, at the start of the gen sure, the X1 will get 3rd party deals, though they will vanish as they move on into the gen. as long as microsoft keeps money hatting devs into exlusives/times exlusives their support for their console will never be as strong Sony or Nintendo do, because when those 3rd party devs move on who will fill the hole they left? just look at the list of exlusives for the 360 the past 2 years and you will see for yourself. 
so really, why would japan be interested in a console that gives them stuff they already had for years? is japan baised towards PS and nintendo yes. but dont go along saying USA is baised towards xbox either

pezus said:
Goatseye said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
I think we Americans should boycot Sony and Nintendo also, that'll show em!

I'm being very serious!

X. I would love to see that happen. Y. But we're better than that.

Two conflicting statements.

X= wishful thinking

Y= reality


Not that hard to understand buddy.

Goatseye said:
RolStoppable said:
The rejection of the Xbox brand in Japan is rooted in the original Xbox being a piece of trash over there. Shoddy support, lack of appealing games etc. Basically everything that matters was done wrong or in an insufficient manner.

Then things move to the Xbox 360 and Microsoft seriously expected that they could succeed with a toxic brand as long as they secure a handful of (timed) exclusive JRPGs. That just doesn't cut it, so even with the rise in popularity of Western-developed games in Japan, the 360 didn't make much headway.

By sticking with their toxic brand, a rejection of the Xbox One in Japan is a given.

Resuming and concluding this is what the OP is about. But anybody that knows videogame market well enough knows that MS just didn't win in Japan because Japanese people have a very big spirit of nationalism. And don't bring that Apple crap because they don't have anything competing with them.

Between a Japanese brand and a foreigner (same product)  they choose their homemade ones. Unlike US.



Xbox just simply didn't fit in over there. Why would people buy an Xbox when all of their favorite games were on PlayStation? Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Yakuza, Metal Gear Solid, Hot Shots Golf, Resident Evil etc


Why would people buy their favorite games on the outside that was the only one that had its online behind a paywall and had the least reliable hardware?


They didn't play online shooters. They had Online RPGs like White Knight Chronicles ,Demons Souls and Dark Souls. Now why would any Japanese person buy a game like Dark Souls on 360 when they get play it online for free on the more reliablereliable PS3?


PS4 has a paywall this time around now with its online so the X1 wont look as bad. Japan has 2 big hits already confirmed for PS4 and X1. Now ask yourself, why would a japanese person buy Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts 3 on X1( a system that gave off a HORRIBLE 1st impression and has put MS in the company-least-to-trust category) over the Cheaper PS4?

pezus said:

Wrong. There has always been a high American bias for Xbox sales. 

Also, am I wrong or did 360 have no competition when it came out in Japan?

Edit: And since when is Samsung, Sony etc. NOT competition?

Are you trying to tell me that Xbox OG sold more than PS2 in America?

360 had no competition in Japan but even if it was alone the whole generation they wouldn't buy it.

Up there's a link to inform yourselves. This is the beauty of internet.

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enditall727 said:



Xbox just simply didn't fit in over there. Why would people buy an Xbox when all of their favorite games were on PlayStation? Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Yakuza, Metal Gear Solid, Hot Shots Golf, Resident Evil etc


Why would people buy their favorite games on the outside that was the only one that had its online behind a paywall and had the least reliable hardware?


They didn't play online shooters. They had Online RPGs like White Knight Chronicles ,Demons Souls and Dark Souls. Now why would any Japanese person buy a game like Dark Souls on 360 when they get play it online for free on the more reliablereliable PS3?


PS4 has a paywall this time around now with its online so the X1 wont look as bad. Japan has 2 big hits already confirmed for PS4 and X1. Now ask yourself, why would a japanese person buy Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts 3 on X1( a system that gave off a HORRIBLE 1st impression and has put MS in the company-least-to-trust category) over the Cheaper PS4?

Let me ask you a question. Why woud you buy Kia and Hyundai today when they were cheap and unreliable a decade ago?

read the link I posted above. ^^

I think they did good by actually letting you unplug the Kinect. The tinfoil hat people were right this time around, MLD. It's clear that they were always able to provide the Kinect without X1 so why did they even try to pull that stunt in the 1st place? Why would they try to make the Kinect  mandatory for the console to function all of a sudden?

You don't find that to be odd, MLD?

Good thread though

enditall727 said:
I think they did good by actually letting you unplug the Kinect. The tinfoil hat people were right this time around, MLD. It's clear that they were always able to provide the Kinect without X1 so why did they even try to pull that stunt in the 1st place? Why would they try to make the Kinect for the console to function all of a sudden?

You don't find that to be odd, MLD?

Good thread though

It's right from their part to do that in my opinion. That way there would be 100% adherence to Kinect and that would give developers more assurance to develope games for Kinect. Also it would improve the utilization of Kinect and its features. Everybody win, bang. Minus the tinfoil hat people...

Goatseye said:
enditall727 said:



Xbox just simply didn't fit in over there. Why would people buy an Xbox when all of their favorite games were on PlayStation? Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Yakuza, Metal Gear Solid, Hot Shots Golf, Resident Evil etc


Why would people buy their favorite games on the outside that was the only one that had its online behind a paywall and had the least reliable hardware?


They didn't play online shooters. They had Online RPGs like White Knight Chronicles ,Demons Souls and Dark Souls. Now why would any Japanese person buy a game like Dark Souls on 360 when they get play it online for free on the more reliablereliable PS3?


PS4 has a paywall this time around now with its online so the X1 wont look as bad. Japan has 2 big hits already confirmed for PS4 and X1. Now ask yourself, why would a japanese person buy Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts 3 on X1( a system that gave off a HORRIBLE 1st impression and has put MS in the company-least-to-trust category) over the Cheaper PS4?

Let me ask you a question. Why woud you buy Kia and Hyundai today when they were cheap and unreliable a decade ago?

read the link I posted above. ^^

I wouldn't buy them ;)


Also, Xbox was not guaranteed to be getting their favorite games on 360 when it was alone on the market. I believe the only game it had was an old port of Final Fantasy 11


There was simply nothing that would interest them

Do you want to know why Japanese gamers usually opt for Nintendo and Playstation? Seriously want to know?

Japanese gamers typically like Japanese games the most. Now, hold that thought in mind.

Nintendo and Playstation together TYPICALLY GET ALL THE JAPANESE GAMES. Xbox does not. Xbox gets a few that are released worldwide and then a handful more that they paid for. Otherwise, pretty much all the smaller Japanese studios have long-standing partnerships with Nintendo and Sony.

So, logically speaking, keeping in mind that Japanese gamers typically like Japanese games, which brands are they more likely to buy? The two that, between them, will net 99% of Japanese games? Or the one that will see nowhere near that?

I know people like to make this as complicated as hell, that they like to bring in all kinds of conjecture and supposition, but really, this is incredibly simple.

There has just been very little reason for Japanese consumers to buy an Xbox. Period. No conjecture or supposition needed.