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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

thranx said:
allblue said:
Goatseye said:
allblue said:

Umm mister if anything US is the most biased of the three regions. The only reason playstation is taking off in the US is that it is a very culturally diverse nation. Even then Xbox, an american product,k dominates the market. Xbox i s a shooter console, that fact is true and whatever MS  does, it cannot shake off that image. Just look at the top sellers and xbox exclusive to have a clue. 

Playstation has a history,  it has established itself as a console with diverse genre of titles to suit every gamer's taste. It is not that japanese are biased towards Sony in the light of nationalism it is just that xbox isn't appealing and practically unheard in japan before 360 came along. It takes more than one generation to establish a fan base sony did that with playstation one, microsoft tried at the beginning of 360 life cycle,  but the effort was half-assed and died prematurely. Why is it that in Japan iphone has taken off and is still popular despite having the choices of asian alternatives such as Sony, Samsung, Hawei etc?

Admit it OP, you support 360 mostly due to misleaded partriotism. If Playstation was even a European brand you would not have any opposition to it as you do now.  The trend that I have observed in 360 supporters are mostly: male, anglo american, conservative, militarilistic, pro apple, pro nokia, pro NSA and ocassionally storm-front lurkers.

Come and tell me any of these ain't true.

How can you be so willingly blind?
MS is the leading out of the 3 on Arcade and Indy sales. Microsoft has dozens of hit Arcade and Indy hits that Sony and Nintendo combined I believe don't have.


Your obsession with anti-Americanism is deceiving your brain. Do you know who is the leading character on Crackdown and State of Decay? Do you know that MS owns MSNBC and it's included in Xbox app store? Xbox pro Apple?

Did you quote the wrong person? Because you seemed to have answered nothing with your post especially the last paragraph. My post in its entirety is to call OP a hypocrite, you cannot accuse other regions of bias while xbox's success in america for the most part is fueled by patriotism and protectionism. 

Anti-american? You seem to be implying that there is something fundamentally so great about america that even remotely criticizing its hyprocrisy is deemed as being antagonistic to it. I don't hate America, it is a great land, some great scholars that I admire originate from there. I just like to take every opportunity to dish out that stinking hypocrisy in your government and a small minority of the population who has their heads in the cloud. 

Is everything fair and just in America? The whole presidential veto thinig in apple vs samsung case screams protectionism. I wonder what happened to those China hacking america headlines after the whole NSA fiasco? 


Ha ha! Americans have no brand loyalty to the US. that is absurd. We sold out to foriegn manufactures a long time ago. No one cares where anything is made in the US. Xbox won the us for a couple of very simple reasons, released first, released cheaper (americans care more about price than anyhitng), and released with a comprehensive online system at the right time when FPS blew up on consoles. Xbox succes in the us had nothing to do with ms being american (which will be seen as the xbox one fails against the ps4 dues to price).

not to mention 360 didnt beat Wii, i wonder why? oh yeah, it was cheaper

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Just like having the Wii360, they are now being replace with the UOne. You see, with that combo you win!

KylieDog said:
ViktorBKK said:
It is not bias, it is common sense. If I have to choose between a foreign and a domestic product, I will go domestic 100% of the time. The money has a better chance of coming back to me that way. The Japanese are smart people.

Common sense is choosing the best product.  What you posted is bias.

You obviously don't understand economics. If citizens of country X buy only imported products, because they are better, country X will eventually have zero money.

MoHasanie said:
ViktorBKK said:
It is not bias, it is common sense. If I have to choose between a foreign and a domestic product, I will go domestic 100% of the time. The money has a better chance of coming back to me that way. The Japanese are smart people.

If they were so smart then they wouldn't be in a 1.009 quadrillion yen debt which is $10.44 trillion (more than twice their GDP). 

What you say is true, but you forget to mention that the vast majority of their debt is internal. It is owed to domestic creditors. So it's not really a problem like it is for countries like Greece or Geat Britain.