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Forums - Sony Discussion - Could the sackboys of LBP into a big success?

KBG29 said:
No way this will ever happen. Sony is to retarted to ever market to the casuals right. Just think how much more popular Sony could have made Ratchet, and Jak if their TV division would have made cartoon series' out of the games for saterday morning cartoons. One thing that even I, have to admit is Sony is a very horribly ran company. With as much assets as they have they largly fail at using them in the right manner. I do think this would be completly awsome and it would fit the idea behind Home. I remember talk about the signing a deal with some clothes company were if you created a shirt for you avatar on Home you could buy the shirt from that company.

So, is it a good idea? Yes. Will Sony come through? Based on previous Sony moves No. Would I buy one if they were smart enough to do this? For sure.

 Jak and Ratchet are a for Saturday morning cartoons.  Maybe the oringal J&D, but not II or 3.  Also, cartoons would've just been whoring out the series.  However, the sackboys were made for something like this. :D

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iclim4 said:
makingmusic476 said:

The companion cube level in Portal truly was amazing. First, it gives you a cube that you don't care anything about, then you see all the stuff on the walls of the other guys not wanting to give up the cube, and it makes you grow attached to it, and want to keep the cube. It used other people's love of the cube to make you love it. Genius.

By the end of that level, I really didn't want to destroy my poor cube. :(

I just threw mine down right away.
i realized my mistake a few seconds later....

I need the plushie now. >.<

 I've heard you can throw one of the cameras down the incinerator instead of the CC, and then you can keep the CC with you the rest of the game.  I'm not sure if that's been confirmed yet, and I haven't attempted it.

lbp looks extremely fun, it'll be interesting to see how it does.


That's the best merchandising I've seen in a whole long time... my last game merchandise was a pikachu doll. That's like 10 years ago!