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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

Seece said:
DélioPT said:
Mario 3D Worlds is not Wii U`s only system seller.
Wii Party sold 8.16 million and 3.30 of that was in Europe, where there`s a bundle coming with the game.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games franchise always sold in the millions and the new one is bound to attract families and kids aswell.
Same goes for Just Dance and Wii Fit.

This holiday season, Wii U is going to have 6 franchises that sold millions on Wii. Not games, franchises.

On a system that had the userbase that those games appealed too. It doesn't have that now and that userbase isn't interested because of the concept of the system.

It's funny how little to nothing has been a system seller so far.

You can bet bottom dollar if it was NSMB WiiU releasing this holiday we'd be hearing the exact same argument "NSMB Wii sold over 25 million on the Wii, it was HUGE, people will buy the WiiU for it".

They didn`t have the userbase when they were first released. They built one. And now that it`s built, it can move to a new console.
How do you know that people aren`t interested in the concept?

Lack of system sellers is only one of Wii U`s problems.
Actually the only system seller was NSMB U. And it has a pretty good attach rate.
The problem is, the market still doesn`t know what Wii U is different from Wii, and gamers - even Nintendo gamers - haven`t had a good reason to jump in. But as you see, WW HD has made a lot of people buy a new console. Not just the price cut, btw.

NSMB U didn`t aswell as the other games in the franchise because of Wii U`s lack of awareness and the fact that people already played a NSMB game a few months before it was released. One problem is fixed, the other isn`t.

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DélioPT said:
Seece said:
DélioPT said:
Mario 3D Worlds is not Wii U`s only system seller.
Wii Party sold 8.16 million and 3.30 of that was in Europe, where there`s a bundle coming with the game.
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games franchise always sold in the millions and the new one is bound to attract families and kids aswell.
Same goes for Just Dance and Wii Fit.

This holiday season, Wii U is going to have 6 franchises that sold millions on Wii. Not games, franchises.

On a system that had the userbase that those games appealed too. It doesn't have that now and that userbase isn't interested because of the concept of the system.

It's funny how little to nothing has been a system seller so far.

You can bet bottom dollar if it was NSMB WiiU releasing this holiday we'd be hearing the exact same argument "NSMB Wii sold over 25 million on the Wii, it was HUGE, people will buy the WiiU for it".

They didn`t have the userbase when they were first released. They built one. And now that it`s built, it can move to a new console.
How do you know that people aren`t interested in the concept?

Lack of system sellers is only one of Wii U`s problems.
Actually the only system seller was NSMB U. And it has a pretty good attach rate.
The problem is, the market still doesn`t know what Wii U is different from Wii, and gamers - even Nintendo gamers - haven`t had a good reason to jump in. But as you see, WW HD has made a lot of people buy a new console. Not just the price cut, btw.

NSMB U didn`t aswell as the other games in the franchise because of Wii U`s lack of awareness and the fact that people already played a NSMB game a few months before it was released. One problem is fixed, the other isn`t.

The Wii built the userbase, and fresh software the derived from it like Wii Sports.

How do I know people aren't interested? Have you seen the sales? If they were it'd have sold out and doing gangbusters. And people say a game like Super Mario World 3D is going to shift millions of WiiU's? er yeah because that's exactly what the casuals who bought Wii want ....

The market isn't as stupid as you make out, there was a lot of hype surrounding Wii before it even released. It's not as if when people realise the WiiU system they're going to say "oooh well now we have to get it"

You guys still don't get it do you? The Wii and its simplicity led it to 100 million sales, casuals do not want this tablet it goes against everything the Wii offered. Then you tout all these classic Nintendo franchises as system sellers .... it's just ridiculous.


I think Seece that you are downplaying the Wii U a bit too much, don't be so harsh! XD. We have to factor that the Wii U had a big drought but that doesn't mean that the system itself has no potential!

The Wii U had a strong launch and sold quite well in it's first months! New Super Mario Bros U could be considered a system seller! The attach rate is incredible, out of 3 millon and a half of Wii U sold New Super Mario Bros U did 2 million.

We should wait and see the holidays for ourselves. Super Mario 3D World could be a really excellent game and drive a lot of units. It could be the system seller that the Wii U needs. We can't dissmis the system, it only had 11 months on the market, it didn't even had a year. I say we wait till the holidays and see who had it right!

I think we will be very surprised by the Wii U this holidays

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Anfebious said:

I think Seece that you are downplaying the Wii U a bit too much, don't be so harsh! XD. We have to factor that the Wii U had a big drought but that doesn't mean that the system itself has no potential!

The Wii U had a strong launch and sold quite well in it's first months! New Super Mario Bros U could be considered a system seller! The attach rate is incredible, out of 3 millon and a half of Wii U sold New Super Mario Bros U did 2 million.

We should wait and see the holidays for ourselves. Super Mario 3D World could be a really excellent game and drive a lot of units. It could be the system seller that the Wii U needs. We can't dissmis the system, it only had 11 months on the market, it didn't even had a year. I say we wait till the holidays and see who had it right!

I think we will be very surprised by the Wii U this holidays

That was basically the go to game for 9 months all by itself, what other options were there for Nintendo fans?

Given they had zero stock problems and it launched at an affordable price, 400k in Nov and again in Dec in the US, and less in Europe wasn't that strong. 360 was a couple hundred k under that but that was with supply issues and a higher price tag. PS3 managed 700k in US with a $600 price tag!

I'm not down on WiiU, I try to be realistic with the evidence we have and nothing more. I call out those that say it's going to be discontinued in 2014 and that it's a rubbish system, as I'm sure when more SW comes it'll be a fantastic console for Nintendo fans.

But like I said, I hear all these predictions from Lucas and Zero and such about how it's going to do incredible, and then it goes on to fail at every hurdle. Latest blip? less than 100k in September with price cut and zelda bundle. Several people predicting 500k for October (In the US only) are soon to be disappointed too.


It doesnt happen all at once. And your numbers are also wrong anyway.

Come on man.

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Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
It doesnt happen all at once. And your numbers are also wrong anyway.

Come on man.

My numbers? What numbers?

I didn't say it happened all at once.


Well you're not accounting for all the data, even if you think you are. So the result will be skewed in perception.

Well maybe 12 million is a little too much, but a man can dream! xD

A new generation is always a fresh start and we are at the very beggining I think that the Wii U could see really strong sales, Nintendo is aiming the console at the core and casual gamers. It's difficult to get both and most probably they won't but imagine if they did!

For now it seems crazy to say 12 million for the Wii U by the end of the year but we have to wait and see how Wii Fit and Wii Party U will do. They may be a success! Who knows! But we have to wait to see the results! Tell me Seece, what is your prediction for the Wii U this year?

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Well you're not accounting for all the data, even if you think you are. So the result will be skewed in perception.

"All the data" what? I'm using what reliable data is out there.


Anfebious said:
Well maybe 12 million is a little too much, but a man can dream! xD

A new generation is always a fresh start and we are at the very beggining I think that the Wii U could see really strong sales, Nintendo is aiming the console at the core and casual gamers. It's difficult to get both and most probably they won't but imagine if they did!

For now it seems crazy to say 12 million for the Wii U by the end of the year but we have to wait and see how Wii Fit and Wii Party U will do. They may be a success! Who knows! But we have to wait to see the results! Tell me Seece, what is your prediction for the Wii U this year?

My prediction is Europe will be 50% less than US given that's how it's trended lately and it's by far Nintendos weakest region, but the holidays will put it above Japan ...

Japan ... wildcard, anywhere from 500k - 800k.

Anywhere from 2.5m - 4.5m which would be roughly 6.5m - 8.5m. I've more or less said around 7.5m for the past few months I think.