That was amazing!
Proud gamer of Nintendo and Sony consoles since 2003.
That was amazing!
Proud gamer of Nintendo and Sony consoles since 2003.
Just in:
Taiko no Tatsujin Wii U Version for Nov 21 (JP) #1
From Shinobi via Twitter.
Wii U GamePad play, up to 4 players.
Features the opening theme from popular morning drama 'Amachan'.
-Can use drums/sticks from Wii version
-Compatible with drums/sticks, Wii Remotes, GamePad
-Off-TV play (buttons only in this mode, touch when on TV)
-New Baton Touch Performance Mode for 2-4 players.
-Mario & Luigi masks
-Features songs from AKB48, Exile, Ikimonogakari, One Piece, Toricco, & Pokemon X&Y
WiiU set to dominate Japan confirmed!
richardhutnik said:
My interest isn't in being disagreeable and winning some argument, getting people to bow to me, be crush and admit they are wrong. I do want to have the right understanding and can argue from what I know, and can also end up adjusting accordingly as needed. Heck, I don't even have a platform I would argue for. With Microsoft going from ONE to 180, I am not sure what to make of them. $400 for a new PS4 isn't of interest to me much either. $300 for the Wii U, isn't really on my radar, with the second screen growing LESS of interest to me after I tried (this is not like the Wii's motion controls). $500 is a NO WAY with me with Microsoft, and I have no current gen stuff outside of a 3DS, if you consider that current gen. It is hardly played now actually, but is there. I find the xl version I have not that comfortable for prolonged use, and found I was doing the downloadable games more of interest, like firing up Metroid. The issue I have here with johnlucas is the idea of Nintendo dominanting. This isn't surviving, but dominanting. I do see that Nintendo IP will remain about, but it could be in a much smaller market, with an off chance they get reduced to the portable market. Idea now should be on surviving. Nintendo has a good shot at that, but these are very dangerous times, so I am not even sure. I would argue less with Nintendo surviving though than dominanting. The big concern is whether or not Nintendo's approach is suitable for being viable. The entire industry could "go big or go home" and end up gobbling up sales, leaving Nintendo in the dust. They then end up going under, as new competitors enter. Nintendo survives, but isn't that relevant. Nintendo is in the middle now, actually, between the Microconsoles and the upper end. It isn't a good place to be. Question remains about if and when the crash happens how unscarred they they will be. Things could get reduced to the even more churny area of Indie games, with studios rising and falling in a hurry, and 15 minutes of fame. People at this point stop making videogames a core part of their life, but have it on the margins. Need to stay tuned here about this. |
I'm trying to be more agreeable nowadays. I don't want to turn anyone off. Usually i'm not my best and i am gunning for a favorite console. Wii U brings everything i love together. It's the only video game system i'v ever (or will ever) use to chat with you guys. I come to vgc from my gamepad daily, often while my game is paused or a movie/vevo is streaming to my tv set. Wii U is the center of my electronic universe. It wouldn't be possible without the Gamepad.
I think the situation with Wii U between microconsoles and big consoles is the best place to be. Not too hot not too cold... just right. Btw you should by a handgrip for your portable. I did and my hands are much happier.
It's always uncertain for me what may pass. I'm no go with prediction (though i predict you'll buy psfour). I have to rely on record. The record shows sony & ms spending too much and earning too little. Nintendo spending little and earning much. Lots of devs are going big and few are reaping rewards from. Those few leaders of the arms race aren't threatening Nintendo though. Nintendo can sell 3 million copies and count that as a win because it's mostly profit. And when it goes to sell 30 million and above (as it's done occasionally) they keep their modest path. Nintendo means "leave luck to heaven", I'm sure you heard that, what it means to me is they don't gamble. We will stay tuned brother, this is going to be an exciting competition. For the first time sony & ms are pitted against eachother on launch day. The grudge match of the century. What an event!
snyps said: I'm trying to be more agreeable nowadays. I don't want to turn anyone off. Usually i'm not my best and i am gunning for a favorite console. Wii U brings everything i love together. It's the only video game system i'v ever (or will ever) use to chat with you guys. I come to vgc from my gamepad daily, often while my game is paused or a movie/vevo is streaming to my tv set. Wii U is the center of my electronic universe. It wouldn't be possible without the Gamepad. |
I wouldn't say NO ONE would get interested in the Wii U. When Nintendo announced it, I thought they might of had something. I saw where they were going and it caught my interest. As time has gone on, unlike with the Wii, it stopped resonating with me as much, and trying hands on didn't impress me. Doesn't mean it can't change, but I am not sure it works to be as much of a differentiator with the second screen. You also have Sony and Microsoft both prepared to not get caughty off guard with an interface end around.
I also will need to track down hand grips. I have been trying to find them for the 3DS I have, but had issues finding it. I can places and they don't know what I am asking about. I will need to use the word "hand grips" and maybe that would work to find something.
Predictions overall are more likely to be wrong than right for people. As far as what I may buy, if I do, I would lean towards the PS4. The WiiU didn't sell on me, and also I have no room really for the ONE's screen. I also own an OUYA, which does emulation for me fine, and also a Neo-Geo X. I am still doing wait and see on everything. Hey, I may eventually get a WiiU sometime, but it needs to persuade me somehow. It hasn't yet. I am also not in a place of wanting to own everything either.
From another thread around here:
Stats from the NPD report.
Kids 2-17 years old:
iPhone: 26%
NDS: 25%
Android Phone: 23%
iPad: 21%
iPod: 19%
3DS: 9%
Although you can argue how much of an effect smartphones / tablets are having on sales of Nintendo products, you must admit that they are having some effect.
And personally I think the iPad usage would effect home consoles (including the Wii U), since I would expect them to be mostly used at home.
DM235 said: From another thread around here: Stats from the NPD report. Kids 2-17 years old: iPhone: 26% NDS: 25% Android Phone: 23% iPad: 21% iPod: 19% 3DS: 9% Although you can argue how much of an effect smartphones / tablets are having on sales of Nintendo products, you must admit that they are having some effect. And personally I think the iPad usage would effect home consoles (including the Wii U), since I would expect them to be mostly used at home. |
What's the big surprise?
Didn't I say that the smartphone/tablet are the new PC?
There are MANY more PCs sold than consoles.
More people play on PCs through browser & built-in games than consoles.
Do you know HOW many people play nothing but the Solitaire & Hearts games from the Windows Start Menu?
And as for the new PCs, the games on smartphone/tablet are dirt cheap if not free so very low if not nonexistent barrier to entry.
The argument is that the games MARKET on this platform is not healthy long-term.
And since we live in a money-based civilization, if the companies making the games for these phones & tablets can't stay financially viable, then there ain't gonna be any more games put out on the platform.
These games don't make themselves & development & publishing/promotion costs money.
When the money dries up, are the kids gonna end up playing the smartphone/tablet version of Solitaire & Hearts?
Beware of Freemium. It'll be the death of developers.
They'll end up being gamemaking slaves or at best hobbyists who get a whole lot of people to play their game for free.
I said it in this thread many times.
A big difference between the Videogame HOBBY & the Videogame BUSINESS.
Show me the stats after the bubble bursts.
John Lucas
Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot
johnlucas said:
And as for the new PCs, the games on smartphone/tablet are dirt cheap if not free so very low if not nonexistent barrier to entry. The argument is that the games MARKET on this platform is not healthy long-term. Beware of Freemium. It'll be the death of developers. I said it in this thread many times. |
Although I don't agree that the gaming market on a mobile / tablet platform is not healthy, let's say for a moment that you are right.
When do you think the market has before this bubble will burst? 1 year? 2 years? 3 years?
With companies still coming off record profits on the mobile platform, I think it would be insane to think it would collapse in 1 year or even 2 years. So let's say things go into a downward spiral in 2 years and completely collapse in 3 years. That would mean that Nintendo (and Sony and Microsoft) would have been losing customers to this platform for 3 years. The Wii U would be 4 years old by then, and by typical console generation ages, it would be near the end of its life and a successor may already be announced by then. So in this scenario, Nintendo would have a chance to recover in the following generation, but it would be too late for the Wii U.
Just thinking out loud, I think the best way Nintendo could get themselves out of this mess is to release a tablet-less version for $200 (with a gamepad) and sell the tablet as an accessory (like the WiiFit board).
DM235 said:
I think JL is right that the freedium model is flawed. How many games do you see advertising only other freedium games? 90% of the market is going to fail but that does not mean the end of gaming on mobile. Far from it. The 10% that survive are/will be HUGELY profitable and will have found the model that works. This is part of a natural boom/bust cycle. Internet business went through this too. Many went bankrupt in the 90s but eBay, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., etc. are bigger than ever and have become giants. This too will happen in mobile gaming. Those that survive the bust will be tomorrows gaming giants.
I agree there's no saving WiiU at this point, it's major weakness is there is nothing (except the unexceptional gamepad) to differentiate it from 7th gen systems and the 7th gen is ending. WiiU will end with it (which gives it another 3 years). While removing the gamepad would make it more inviting to some, and a whole lot cheaper, it would still looks like a 7th gen system that's just too late to the party, especially if the controller becomes exactly the same as other 7th gen HD consoles. Leaving the Wiimote/Nunchuk (their key distinquishing feature) for something less advanced (dual analog) was a critical failure on Nintendo's part. They needed to move it forward not backwards. But if PS4/Xbone have another 7 year cycle, Nintendo still has time to introduce another system to win the generation with. As for WiiU - a gamepadless WiiHD for $200 probably would sell better (but not great) than WiiU is ever likely to.