Seece said:
ah, so inorder to reply, I have to click on quote. ok.
I'm new on the site, so I know jackshit about it.
I'm not johnlucas.
Seece said:
ah, so inorder to reply, I have to click on quote. ok.
I'm new on the site, so I know jackshit about it.
I'm not johnlucas.
Metalheadgamer said: I'm not johnlucas. If you think I am then you have a serious problem. |
A serious problem LOL oh dear I better go to the doctor then I guess ....
Certainly comes across that way btw.
Seece said:
I could say the same about you and Zod95.
Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans
Mummelmann said:
How is the Wii U now or in the future dominating the industry? If anything, it's being ignored by both the audience and the industry. If the Wii with the crazy sales and incredible hype couldn't muster any 3rd party support, a slow-moving Wii U with no installed base, an awkward controller and weaker hardware certainly won't. Contrary to belief, it is allowed to be positive on the Wii U's behalf, that's just fine. Two things, however; one is that it will never have good 3rd party support, Nintendo haven't really had that since the SNES, and the other is simply get to down to earth, even if it manages to recover and sell, I dunno, three times as much on average as it has, it will still end up somewhere around mediocre, certainly no where near domination. In 2006/2007/2008, PS3 fans were being very unrealistic, defensive and loud, has the Nintendo fanbase not learned anything from this period, and can't they see that they have become the new loud, defensive and unrealistic group? As far as John Lucas' predictions go, he got one thing right (the Wii will be a success) and that's it. Pretty much everything he predicted since has failed, not only a little either. Personally, I think he's more about entertainment, judging by his writing skills and (sometimes) good arguments, he's obviously pretty intelligent, I just can't fathom that all this show is in earnest. |
You have good points, I admit. Anyway, I'm not here to debate with anyone. Most peoples here have their own opinions, so what's the point of debating when the opinions won't change.
Incubi said:
You seem to imply that you didn't see how Nintendo would dominate the 8th gen before, but you're seeing it now. What changed your mind? |
This is the reply I'vw been trying to give you. Sorry, I'm still learning how to use the site.
I think I didn't wrote my post very well. Don't get me wrong, I've owned the wii u since february, and I am a Nintendo fan since I was a child. I always had faith that Wii U would do well eventually. My concern during a big part of the year was that Wii U wouldn't get alot of third party support, and since I've read John Lucas' post on August 09, my concern's been lifted. I knew Wii U would dominate the market eventually, but until August 09, I didn't know it would dominate THE INDUSTRY. John Lucas explained himself on that, and it makes sense. That's why I don't feel concerned anymore.
(having problems posting for some reasons. my bad).
Dv8thwonder said:
I could say the same about you and Zod95. |
I haven't even read what Zod's saying but I never make posts that long.
That and Zod and Fan's discussion is fucking annoying and I told them to cut it out 3 pages back.
I don't have an alt thank you.
POE said:
Exactly, we don`t have numbers to prove your theory and that`s what i been trying to make you understand. |
Let's recall what you originally said.
"This isn´t true because you are not counting digital sales."
You said this isn't true. In order to say it isn't true, you would need data to show that it is false. Since you don't seem to have any data, you can't quantitatively state it to be untrue. Not to mention I said it was likely. Even if digital sales brought Wii U software above Ghosts PS4, it wouldn't have made the statement untrue.
Plus when hardware sales are low and retail software sales are low, the idea that digital software sales are high is just a bit silly.
Seece and I have our differences, but I would be surprised to learn he thought Sonic Adventure was the greatest platformer of all time.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!
Final-Fan said: Seece and I have our differences, but I would be surprised to learn he thought Sonic Adventure was the greatest platformer of all time. |
I can see a scenario like that happening.
Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans
mysteryman said: Amusing, because these figures include marketing costs. I think we can all agree that marketing requires the least effort of all, known to be able to increase sales without any additional developoment work, and is more representative of greed over effort. Additionally, many of these are multiplatform games, which drive up costs as well, it's not really a solid comparison to first party games only. |
You've raised 2 interesting points. First, you're right when you say marketing costs are involved. In fact, those aren't only development costs. But be my guest to find and post here the top most expensive games without marketing costs. Second, you're also right about the multiplatform factor. Maybe the best to do is to consider games as multi-platform and, in the top sellers, sum different versions of the same game. That would be fair already. And Nintendo would still have the majority of the top 27, while being absent in the other top. Same conclusion man.
Furthermore, I don't agree with you when you say marketing represents more greed than effort (at least effor in the sense of commitment, which is what I was talking about). Still, money is only 1 of several objective metrics when can use. Like I said, objective outcome requirements and number of man-hours are also possible metrics. So, instead of criticizing the little that we have at the moment, you could add more or better objective metrics.
mysteryman said: Your list of criteria that comprise a "good game" is dissapointing to me. My metric is quality and, more importantly, novel gaming experiences, of which Nintendo excels at. If you truly believe that "effort" is only apparent when designing a large overworld or photorealistic environments, I doubt any common sense could move you to a more realistic view, so I'll not bother (though Final Fan sure has tried, bless him). However, consider the "effort" required to maximise the use of available resources when making a game, have a look at the effort required to fit a game like Super Mario World onto a small cart, the pallette swapping techniques employed etc. and begin to understand that "effort" has many, many forms. |
The problem is that you didn't read everything I've said. My list of criteria comprises objectively deep games and committed devs. Like I said earlier, the list of games that qualify under that criteria is far from representing my tastes. But at least is something that neither I nor you (or anyone else) can deny. That's coming to a certain point instead of going in circles (due to subjectivity). Of course quality is what defines a good or bad game (I, and I'm sure everybody else, agree with you). The problem is that what is quality for me couldn't be for you and vice-versa. You can tell me: "but that's what really counts". And I tell you: if you think that is the only thing that really counts and no other parameters can be used at least to have an idea about the depth of a game or the commitment of a dev, then don't bother to come here to the forum. In subjective matters you will always make zero progress. As hard as it might be for you to believe so, effort is only apparent to several people that discuss in a forum and that have different tastes, when objective parameters are assessed.
Regarding the many forms of effort you talk about, you're right. I see that Nintendo is very competent at developing games under hard restrictions: small teams and low budgets to make games that sell dozens of millions. That is called "greed". That has been the driver for them in the last years. They were able to push creativity (specially in avoiding game genres or types that would dramatically raise production costs), innovation (in the motion controllers, etc.) and everything but to spend large money. And they were very competent on it. Not only they sold hundreds of millions with low-budget games but also they could earn the respect of their fan base and even critics. Nintendo fans and even some experts tell that their games are deep and very artistic. Things couldn't have been better for Nintendo.
As for me, a non-Nintendo-fan that avoids to be blind by subjectivity, I find this story to be sad. I wish that Nintendo respected more gamer's money, and even their fans respected more their own money. Like I said earlier, even if I was fan of Nintendo games, I would think twice before putting my money in there. I like to spend it in games in which I know it goes back to the industry.
mysteryman said: As for your home-made crtieria for generations (and even retro or mini-games), they are completely bunk. How often have you had to explain your own definitions of these words to others? How often has there been confusion? Because until today, I've always understood and have been understood perfectly fine when using these terms. This should be a huge indication to you that something's up. I could call carrots potatoes all I like, and even defend my position when someone tries to correct me, but if noone else uses the same terminology as me, and a quick reference check shows wikipedia/encyclopedia/dictionary entries corroborating everyone else's viewpoints, then I'd have to accept I was wrong. As you are. |
Those are the wrong questions. I don't look for the opinion of the majority. I look for incoherences. Some centuries ago, a man who said the Earth was spheric instead of flat, you be sentenced to death. Yet, some ships could go in one way and appear on the opposite side. That was the detail to be investigated, not "how many people agree with me?". Maybe that's the difference between you and me. I look for obectivity, you look for subjectivity. I look for incoherencies, you look for the opinion of the majority (no matter how much hipocrisy is behind). I look for everything that is substantial, you look for eveything that is superficial.
Prediction made in 14/01/2014 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 70M WiiU: 25M
Prediction made in 01/04/2016 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 100M XOne: 50M WiiU: 18M
Prediction made in 15/04/2017 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 90M XOne: 40M WiiU: 15M Switch: 20M
Prediction made in 24/03/2018 for 31/12/2020: PS4: 110M XOne: 50M WiiU: 14M Switch: 65M