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Nintendo Fan Girl is definately a girl. If not, then she's the most convincing liar I've yet come across on the internet.

also, I'm severely lacking in VgChartz friends. Give me some requests people.

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--OkeyDokey-- said:

Nintendo Fan Girl is definately a girl. If not, then she's the most convincing liar I've yet come across on the internet.

also, I'm severely lacking in VgChartz friends. Give me some requests people.

*Sends friend request to OkeyDokey*

There you go dude.

Edit: Feel free to add me everybody.

Gamertag: KillswitchTris PSN ID: KsET665 Wii Friend Code: 8415 6393 6330 0940 (PM me if you add me)
Feel Free To Add Me Tag: LISMDK - Extremely bad taste in music

but still only 103

--OkeyDokey-- said:
but still only 103


Ahhh the irony! XD

totalwar23 said:
wiiforever said:
totalwar23 said:
^I don't know, just how you post, I guess. Check out your profile, then realized you weren't- but sometimes I forget and still think you're a girl.

what do u mean how i post? like what makes my posts feminine?

It doesn't have anything to do with you, but with me. Everytime I read something, I imagine a voice saying those words aloud in my head. Your posts has a girl voice, like the same way with brute.

I always imagine people talking in my own voice when reading posts...

OMG! It's a world full of clones! 

Around the Network
--OkeyDokey-- said:
but still only 103

I have about less than a tenth of your friendslist....

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

iclim4 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
but still only 103

I have about less than a tenth of your friendslist....

hey, I can't help it, I get about 4 friend requests a day.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
iclim4 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
but still only 103

I have about less than a tenth of your friendslist....


hey, I can't help it, I get about 4 friend requests a day.

 Do you get four friend requests, or do you give for friend requests?  I seem to recall one of yours popping up in my profile the other day. :P

totalwar23 said:
FJ-Warez said:
wiiforever said:
kinda off topic but is nintendo fangirl a girl?

Yeap... and Onna, so there is three Girls in VGChartz (Correct Me if I'm wrong)...

There's also slicktrick and Brianna. Is there anyone else? GGE-I don't think she's all that ladylike, though.

 People think I'm a girl.. but I'm not! Its the 'a' at the end of my name

bump lets bring the friend thread back