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Since benkenobi isn't around to post it....

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totalwar23 said:
iclim4 said:

is it a sexy voice?

 Sadly, no...I wish, though.

you wish? that would make it even creepier when you remember hes a guy


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iclim4 said:
totalwar23 said:
iclim4 said:

is it a sexy voice?

Sadly, no...I wish, though.

you wish? that would make it even creepier when you remember hes a guy


 Well, you got me there. But dammit...I want the imaginary voice in my head to be sexy.

totalwar23 said:
iclim4 said:
totalwar23 said:
iclim4 said:

is it a sexy voice?

Sadly, no...I wish, though.

you wish? that would make it even creepier when you remember hes a guy


 Well, you got me there. But dammit...I want the imaginary voice in my head to be sexy.

Who doesn't? I wish I had a sexy voice talking in my head

I'd listen to my conscience everytime!

Sexy voice: time to do the laundry.
Me: okay!
Sexy voice: time to take a bath!
Me: YAY!!!

But alas, im stuck with a voice that sounds like an electronic voice synthesizer.
My conscience sounds like a creepy Stephen Hawking >.<
Hence why im fat and dont like to bathe.......



i kid

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Lol this thread is so off topic. Doesn't matter. I guess.

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This thread is full of LMAO. XD

Yeah well Onna is pretty much the only other girl (or rather woman) that's I'm pretty sure is real... But other than that, I want some proof!

^so? We're trying to make friends

^^^ and friends we shall make!!!

i found a new way of making new friends.

Click Me!!!
its how to make the voice inside your head sound sexy!!!

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I notice this is going a bit too far, compared to twesterms schemes
with profile views, so i apologize in advance >.<
just pm me and ill refuse the friend invite(or you could delete it by yourself), 
 im just curious if this will work and how many invites ill manage to accumulate.
thanks for understanding ^^

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

Are you low on friends? do you want to be more popular?
If you said yes to one of those questions, then do yourself a favor and introduce yourself
in the "Friends Thread". The Friends Thread is the best and newest way to meet new people.
its better than both Myspace and E-Harmony combined!!!
there's no monthly fees nor are you obligated to keep posting once you posted once.
its free and it works! what more can you ask for!

Dont believe me?
lets hear some real life testimonies!

 Hi! My name is iclim4.
this might sound like a commercial but let me tell you, This thread really works!!!
in less then 30 mins i made a lot of new friends
its a miracle! Ive never had friends before since i dont like to wash my clothes, nor bathe.

The "Friends Thread" changed my life! and im sure it will change yours too.


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