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Forums - General Discussion - Hillary is XBox 360, Obama is Wii?

ssj12 said:
That Guy said:
Well lets think of it this way:

1988 - 1992 = bush
1992 - 2000 = clinton
2000 - 2008 = bush

If hillary wins, are we gonna have another clinton?

Some people that are voting (born in 1988 or whereabouts) have never known a president other than clinton or bush. Isn't that creepy?

If you went republican, you'd be continuing the legacy of the Bush establishment. If you went Hillary, then you'd just have more bush/clinton/bush/clinton.

Anyways, if people truly wanted change, they would have to go for Obama.

I'd say Bush and Clinton are like PS3 and Xbox360. Obama I guess would be a Wii in this case. Obama is definitely disrupting the establishment.

na, McCain is the Wii

Nah, Mccain is the PS2.  Old, but everyone likes him and he's still got plenty of life left in him.



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@JL. Yeah I see your point. I also am Pro Obama. I think he will take the Dem and will win as well. Can't wait to see our first Black President take office. :)


If you're arguing and relating our FUTURE LEADERS OF AMERICA to videogame systems and explaining why, then you might have a videogame addiction


This should end it:
None of the politicians can be compared to a video game console - two different subjects that have almost nothing to do with each other

Hmm, I can accept Obama = Wii analogy...the new guy who everybody discounted at the beginning due to not being "political" enough (in other words, not "hardcore" enough), but he is gaining mass popularity due to the "blue-ocean strategy" by getting the younger people, and the minorities.

But I don't know about Hillary Clinton......but I guess in the video game world....I'm gonna have to say she is the female version of Jack Thompson.

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

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Does his mean John Lucas can't get Nintendo Wiis out of his head for an hour?

"Why isn't samus in a mario kart game?"

Obama is not the Wii, the south doesnt hate the Wii cause of the color of its skin.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Wow you must really not like the 360 to call it a Hillary haha.

plzdontbanme said:
Does his mean John Lucas can't get Nintendo Wiis out of his head for an hour?

What you are doing is borderline blasphemy! Don't you know that John Lucas is the seer of vgchartz? Sure, his methods is a little weird and questionable, but we regular people will never be able to understand the methods of John Lucas. I suggest we don't question it. 

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

ssj12 said:
That Guy said:
Well lets think of it this way:

1988 - 1992 = bush
1992 - 2000 = clinton
2000 - 2008 = bush

If hillary wins, are we gonna have another clinton?

Some people that are voting (born in 1988 or whereabouts) have never known a president other than clinton or bush. Isn't that creepy?

If you went republican, you'd be continuing the legacy of the Bush establishment. If you went Hillary, then you'd just have more bush/clinton/bush/clinton.

Anyways, if people truly wanted change, they would have to go for Obama.

I'd say Bush and Clinton are like PS3 and Xbox360. Obama I guess would be a Wii in this case. Obama is definitely disrupting the establishment.

na, McCain is the Wii

Do you realize how old (and how many presedential bids he's had) McCain is?Also, he's not motion controlled. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.