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Forums - General Discussion - Study on HDTV owners... Happy with DVD players?

I have an HDTV and I'm fine with DVD too, no need for blu ray yet.

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DVDs look very crappy on HDTV even if they'r upscaling.
I just don't like the picture quality, thats why I bought a PS3, and the games of course.

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Most people do not care about their audio/video 'experience'. It may matter greatly to some niche groups (avsforum), but those groups comprise a very small portion of the market.

I don't know how anyone could stand to watch a movie with a cheap 5.1 walmart system and a HDTV connected to a dvd player with composite cable, but a lot of people wouldn't have a problem with that. It's all a matter of preference and priorities.

I don't think that HD media will die, though it might be relegated to a status similar to what the laserdisc enjoyed.

I own 3 HDTVs and have no interest in Blu. I have see the picture quality in store demos and it really aint that great. If I did buy blu Id be the only person I know with a player and couldnt watch movies at friends houses.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

hey i was also happy with dvds and crtv's.
but looking at HD pictures just blew me away.
now i have 1080p hdtv with blu-ray and im even happier.

you know that feeling where youre satisfied with your life, and then suddenly you fall in love?
might be an extreme analogy, but it fits.

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I'm not really surprised by this, i bet most people don't even know what HD is, they plug their HDTV in and they think thats HD. I have seen some photo's before on the Sony forums of DVD's being upscaled on the 360 which is like a normal DVD player to the same DVD being played on the PS3 and the difference was insane. But i can't see why people with HDTV's would not buy a Upscaling DVD player, you can get some really good ones for only $100.