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Forums - General Discussion - Study on HDTV owners... Happy with DVD players?

People Happy With DVD, Not Likely To Switch to Hi-Def, Says Study
Relatively few consumers are planning to make the transition from DVDs to high-definition HD DVD or Blu-ray, according to a survey by NPD Group. The researchers said that among owners of HDTV sets, seven out of 10 say they see no need to purchase high-definition players, maintaining that they are satisfied with the quality of their current players. "one of the main challenges for the next-generation" format, NPD Group senior entertainment industry analyst Russ Crupnick told Bloomberg News, "is you have a product out there that is pretty darn good in consumers' eyes."
Sorry if this was already posted.
Seems interesting to me. For all the arguements that are thrown around that in 2 or 3 years HD will be big, and that's why the HD consoles will start dominating then, this doesn't seem to bode well. If HD owners now, the early adopters, are happy with DVD players, why should one think that HD owners in the future will be any faster to upgrade?

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This is what I have always maintained. It is true for me and I am sure true for the greater mass of people.

You see, vhs to dvd was a giant leap, both in quality and usability. dvd to bluray is a small step. Most people can't really see much of a difference. I can, but I am not paying the current entry price for that difference.

HD media won't take off until it is priced similar to DVD's and their respective players.

It's almost hard to believe that people aren't willing to pay 50% more for a moderate improvement in picture quality.

my family only has a DVD player and we're happy. No need to spend that much $$ for a slightly better picture

I have an hdtv and I love my blus in my ps3


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Honestly, as long as people get the majority of their content in SD people will be reluctant to spend a lot of additional money to buy HD content ...

This means that either HD movie players and movies have to come down to a price where people will simply buy the HD movie player, or cable companies have to offer enough inexpensive HD content for people to become used to the improvement. Currently, there are way too many people (like me) who will be asked to spend more money from their cable company for HD signals which are often not even HD (many "HD" channels play a ton of 480p content).

well, it only improves the "graphics". content stays same old shit.

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I think its partly due to the fact that DVDs at 16X9,480p are MUCH better than standard TV broadcasts at 4X3,480i. They are already seeing a hugh improvement.

Of course, HD/BR are so more better. I wouldn't want to go back.

To be fair. My parents can't even figure out how to get High Definition to work.

Honestly I can't either. The component cables are hooked up right. The damn box I think just didn't set up right.  I don't know what they did wrong.

Me, I perfer having a crapload of regular TVs to hook 2 systems each up to.

Kasz216 said:
To be fair. My parents can't even figure out how to get High Definition to work.

Honestly I can't either. The component cables are hooked up right. The damn box I think just didn't set up right.

Heh.  If any normal person looked behind my entertainment unit and saw the mass of cables protruding therefrom, they'd probably have some kind of serious cardiac arrest.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.