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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last Guardian “is Still Being Done” at SCE Japan, Confirms Studio Creative Director

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jamesmarkus87 said:
Sony needs to pull the plug on this game. At this point, they've probably gone millions of dollars overbudget with it.

It's odds of making a profit are just as bad as FFXV's at this point.

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So wat people think will happen to team ico if this game is ever released


Ot but maybe this game or the final fantasy that used to be vs  maybe one of these was the game that needed to sell like 10 million copies

This game is doomed.

If it's an incredible game people will complain about the fact that they had to wait for so long for it to release.

If it's a terrible game people will say that they took so long so it should have not been a bad game.

Either way, this game is DOOMED!

what's the last guardian? It's been so long,since i've heard that title,I can't remember what it is?

oldschoolfool said:
what's the last guardian? It's been so long,since i've heard that title,I can't remember what it is?

A FPS set on a medieval world.

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The most interesting news here is that Gravity Rush Director is working on a new game.

The Last Guardian Forever. We have been here before. Plenty of time to relax....


May be out in time for PS5

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030


Gravity Rush 2 has more chance to becoming a reality than the Last Guardian.

NintendoPie said:
The Last Guardian seems to be on some sort of life support. Sony just doesn't know if to pull the plug or not.

They should probably make another trailer if they keep dragging this game along by saying, "Hey! It's still alive!"
It's crazy to see how long this game is taking. I guess it should be good, in the least.

There literally hasn't been a trailer shown since E3 09. The fact that there haven't even been any screenshots suggests that they aren't making much progress.