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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Help would be greatly appreciated

Tetris, Super Mario Brothers, Doom, Zelda, Grand Theft Auto III, Super Mario 64, Street Fighter II, World of Warcraft, Civilization, SimCity.

Not my personal avorites, but off the top of my head these are the ten most important video games.

I just realized I forgot Pong, but I don't know who to knock off. Ah, I forgot Final Fantasy too. 

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wow you guy's are some what helping keep it up :D

I'd go with, in no particular order:

Final fantasy IX
Chrono Trigger
Zelda: Link to the past
Zelda: OOT
Final Fantasy VII or VI
Civilization III
Unreal Tournament
Command and Conquer Red Alert
Metal Gear solid
Super mario bros

...that was alot harder than I thought it would many games are missed >_

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

@Bladeneo you see i am having a tough time as well >.

SM 64

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Super Mario Bros. 3 and Chrono Trigger must be represented on any greatest games of all time list.

@wiiforever - Your list saddens me.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey.