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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Brawl increase wii NA sales

yes nintendo will ship more wiis to NA for the relese

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^well the i guess it will increase but only because of the increased shipments. However, if SSBB wasn't released, I bet it would sell almost the exact same number so SSBB is not the factor; supply is!

btw 800th POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAY! I'm gonna throw a party!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SSBB will be a huge seller, but for a Wii game it'll be largely front loaded. Thus the 5 week delay for NA. Long enough for demand to settle in Japan so they can instead send extra Wiis to NA for SSBB launch here. Then later again to Europe.

So NA numbers will go up for 3-4 weeks, but worldwide, it'll still be the same until/unless they increase production.


^Nintendo better increase production soon or else these supply constraints will last well into 2009

well if you think about it, it all depends on if nintendo ships more copies of the wii right before brawl comes out. because the entire wii sales depend on how many copies are shipped that week. its not like the 360 where they ship 200k consoles and they only sell 150k. if nintendo ships 200k wiis in one week then they will sell 200k wiis in that week. if nintendo increases production for that one week before then yes the wii sales will increase because of smash bros. but if they dont then the sales will reflect or mimic the shipment numbers.

the nintendo wii will outsell the ps3 and the 360 combined by the end of 2008.                           

        PS3 will out sell the 360 june 2010.                                                                      

  GOTY of 2008 is super smash brothers brawl.... hopefully.


Wii: 45 million         xbox360: 26 million       PS3: 19 million (made beginning of 08)

wii: 44 million         xbox 360: 24 million      PS3: 21 million (made june 08)

wii code: 8094-5344-2140-1400

brawl code: 5412-9565-3232   

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^Ninty will ship more to NA but that will not cause a rise WW unless they stockpiled but I think they just redistributed the consoles for this week

If they ship extra consoles, then yes. If not, then no. SSBB won't make the Wii sell out anymore than it is now unless there are more units to sell. :P

i was just wonderieng what the wii shipment numbers were and if nintendo has been putting up an effort to increase them?

the nintendo wii will outsell the ps3 and the 360 combined by the end of 2008.                           

        PS3 will out sell the 360 june 2010.                                                                      

  GOTY of 2008 is super smash brothers brawl.... hopefully.


Wii: 45 million         xbox360: 26 million       PS3: 19 million (made beginning of 08)

wii: 44 million         xbox 360: 24 million      PS3: 21 million (made june 08)

wii code: 8094-5344-2140-1400

brawl code: 5412-9565-3232   

If nintendo increases shipments sales will go up.


Nitendo better have like 500K wii's ready to go launch week


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)