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Meet Rook

Latest News From Lionhead

Posted on March 14, 2014

The Seasoned Warrior of Skill

Grizzled and determined, Rook is a seasoned warrior hewn straight from the granite of the mountains he’s spent his life patrolling.  A veteran member of the Strangers, he’s made the long journey south in response to a mysterious call for Heroes. But with Heroes long thought vanished from Albion, Rook is determined to learn more about this summons, the threat that prompted it and his role as a . . .Hero?

Though duty calls him to the green fields and lush forests of the South, Rook’s heart belongs to the bleak northern landscape of the Deadlands. This desolate corner of Albion is patrolled by the Strangers, an elusive group of men and women* who act as an army,  police force and communications network for those travelling across or living along the edges of this harsh environment. As these warriors walk the northern mountains and plains alone, the Strangers’ keen eyes are ever alert for danger to fight and tankards to drain. Armed with only an icy stare and their trusty ‘Catsgut’ repeating crossbows (‘hard bows for hard people’), the Strangers are dedicated to keeping the people south of the Deadlands safe (mainly by ensuring that the strange creatures found there don’t head there to meet and eat them).


A born leader, Rook believes in honour, justice and the sort of sensible short haircut required for hand-to-hand combat. Now he’s down in the softer South, Rook sees it as his job to bring a little northern common sense to all things, and will speak his mind on this when he feels he has to. Always direct and to the point, Rook is a man of few words (and the occasional hand gesture), but you will always know where you stand with him. You’d just better hope that’s not  standing at the wrong end of his bow.


*For centuries the Strangers was a strictly male organization, with the motto “All men are born strangers”. Women were admitted to the order following a showdown between the head Stranger and a fishwife who managed to knock him out, and the motto was amended to “All men are born strangers, and women too”. An attempt to make this even more inclusive briefly saw "All people regardless of gender, creed, political affiliation, height, weight, foot size and hat preference are born strangers", before the order finally settled on the simpler “All are born strangers”.


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Around the Network

Xbox One 'could last 12 years' - Rare

Rare producer believes Microsoft's console may be around until 2025.

By Brett Phipps On 17th Mar, 2014 at 1:00pm

Xbox One "may last 12 years, if not longer", according to Rare's Danny Isaac.

Isaac was speaking about the studio's Kinect Sports Rivals missing the console's launch day last November, and how there'll be "even fewer" opportunities to release alongside a console going forward.

"As we went through E3 and gamescom and looked at the timelines, we just weren't comfortable that we were going to give the experience to the consumers that we wanted for ourselves and that the franchise was known for," Isaac told

"We made the decision to move out of the window, which is always tough, there's very few opportunities to be there day one, and there’s going to be even fewer going forward.

"This console may last 12 years, if not longer," he continued. "But we got Preseason out, which was good, and it just gave us a little bit more time for the product to stay and cook a little bit more, because really the issue wasn't so much about depth of content. It was, as you see, everyone moves slightly differently, everyone’s homes are set up differently, everyone engages in different ways, and we just weren’t confident that we’d been through enough of that to make sure it was stellar in every situation."

Microsoft has previously said that it expects Xbox One to last "conservatively a decade", a similar length of time to that of the Xbox 360 which celebrated its eighth birthday last November.

Kinect Sports Rivals launches across Europe on April 11. We recently got the chance to play the game at Rare's offices, and you can see what we thought of it here.

Source:">"><img src="

Looks a lot like Project Spark to me.

What are your thoughts on ps vita vs 3ds
Ps vita
Uncharted,playstation and few others.

Sonic man I love that game
Pokemon big fan of it but not played from fast few years, is x and y accessible to newcomers.
super smash

I am looking to buy one till xbox one comes in India so what do you think should go with a vita or a 3ds

JoeTheBro said:

Looks a lot like Project Spark to me.

Yes at first glance also I thought the same

Around the Network

doesnt fable already look like spark in most cases?">"><img src="

Promotion for kinect sports rivals has begun.
Someone please tell regarding 3ds vs ps vita

FrontlineJaguar said:
Promotion for kinect sports rivals has begun.
Someone please tell regarding 3ds vs ps vita

Vita is better hardware, but 3DS is better software.


Going forward the only software support Vita's getting is from Japan and remote play.

so rare is 120 full time and freelancer included 200 hundred peeps... yeap nope no second IP ready this year or even next year.... unless they've been juggling on a second IP seriously while finalizing KSR... so maybe end of 2015 but I doubt it....

now where I might disappoint some of you is that while I really loved RARE old IPs I think it might be time to turn the page on a lot of the old stuff.... heck even schenmue 3 maybe....
focus on new IPs and that goes for a lot of studios out there.... Kill FF already it's been pisspoor for ages and when its not poor it is unoriginal... haven't been impressed by them for years... I love AC but it starting to get old also.... kill COD or at least the usual one run with MW maybe a couple times and do something else.... kill metal gear solid....

not that those franchise are bad it's just I feel like we don't have much originality and creativity now in AAA franchises... I understand the commercial aspect of things but us player should stop supporting that line of conduct of milking to the end....

oh well anyway that's also why I am impatient to get to see QB and SO and the likes more than the new this or new that...

so yeah maybe RARE with a new AAA core gamer IP would be better next than reviving an old one.... half of the fan base will not be happy anyway as usual