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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Endimion welcome back, ryuu and endimion on reporting about people wait guys I am joining you 3 xbox people are about to ban almost every vgc troller/flamer.

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When is gdc, can't wait to tell everybody how directx makes xbox better. When is it my body is dieing

Guys evrybody is teasing about halo2 if it is not true man I will highly disappointed

the only thing i dont like about titanfall is freaking ctf i hate that mode

Why Azerth??

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Ryuu96 said:
Training Ground is the worse map on's literally, get in a Titan or die Lol map is just too open, people complained about TG and Boneyard being like this but tbf I don't think Boneyard is that bad, Training Ground is worse, Boneyard is ok for balance but a great map overall

i love boneyard.  One of my favorite maps actually.


Azerth said:
the only thing i dont like about titanfall is freaking ctf i hate that mode

Man that is the mode I love

JayWood2010 said:
Ryuu96 said:
Training Ground is the worse map on's literally, get in a Titan or die Lol map is just too open, people complained about TG and Boneyard being like this but tbf I don't think Boneyard is that bad, Training Ground is worse, Boneyard is ok for balance but a great map overall

i love boneyard.  One of my favorite maps actually.

Talking about maps for titan action I love boneyard but my personal favourite is colony and angel city

Training Ground is epic for Pilots though on CTF or Hardpoint. Having the strategy guide changes your whole view of the maps, the two ziplines that go from one base to the middle building are epic for fast travel.

endimion said:
Why Azerth??

i hate that those carrying the flag can get inside there titan and even if you doom there titan they still keep the flag