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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

My fellow friends I would like to ask everybody here why are people buying ps4 I don't want to say it is a bad console or anything bad against Sony.But right now their is not even a single reason to buy ps4 except multi-platform games running on better resolutions or better frame-rates and that difference which we cannot even see.
Killzone shadow fall is just like another shooter nothing new. I would say it is a 5.5/10. I like knack but knack is not even better than max. Max is one of the best platformer much better than knack. Infamous looks nothing impressive why do people like. Right now why would I buy a ps4 I can wait and get a ps4 when it has order 1886 the only game I think might be nice and more games from naughty dog and a bit cheaper.
If you don't have money and want to enjoy all multi-platform games buy a second hand XBox easily available for 100dollar and you will find and enjoy loads of games
If you have money XBox one choice should be your choice.
1.Killer Instinct simply one of the best figthing game I have played.
2.Titanfall coming and their are chances a similar kind of deal like cod will be their so XBox one will be the best console to enjoy all titanfall titles.
3.Halo is coming and the team is taking alot of feedback if they implement it I can be 110% sure Halo is going to rock and has chances of becoming best selling halo.
4.Gears is coming and I think it might be awesome or dead but still a new gears is,coming.
5.Fable legends is shaping up to be a great game.
6.Many Microsoft studios are working on games which means future we will have games throughout the generation.
Now everything is speculation
1.Microsoft might be working on a new peripheral like kinect which is going to change gaming again.
2.Microsoft is working on cross platform functions for Xbox live.
3.New directx coming for Xbox one and is going to make Xbox one a lot better.
4.Cloud has a lot of possibilities(I am putting this thing in speculation because cloud has achieved its promise only 50% and Microsoft needs to make it happen and show some cool cloud stuff).
5.Now please answer my question

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@ryuu link to your thread and start posting videos can't wait

JayWood2010 said:
Slade6alpha said:
JayWood2010 said:



Where do you feel they could improve specifcally? I'm on Chapter 3 so far, combat's pretty fun, a little shallow, but it's more difficult on Centurion (hard) since you have to utilize the roll button more. The characters don't seem that deep... I think Ryuu said this, and you might have as well. Music, graphics, and effects are stunning though. Very pleasant for the eyes!

Yeah i enjoyed it on hard a lot actually.  Personally i didnt have a problem with the combat.  My main issue was i never cared for the characters.  And this is a problem with crytek games in general.  They make beautiful games and forget to make beautiful stories.  That is where i want them to improve.  Make a more fleshed on story with interesting characters.

Well I stated this when I was in chapter 3... Now I'm in the last chapter (8 I believe), and now the repetitiveness IMO, has set in more. For some of the later enemies, they do not go down without a lot of the same moves. Plus the enemy variety never really changed except you got to fight those same allies. 

And definitely agreed on the characters and story. But wow, those set pieces were absolutely incredible. 

I don't believe much will change from now until the end, so solid 7.8, worth a rent!

Edit: Also, did you feel that despite upgrading your stats you never felt much different? Maybe it was just me.">"><img src="

FrontlineJaguar said:
My fellow friends I would like to ask everybody here why are people buying ps4 I don't want to say it is a bad console or anything bad against Sony.But right now their is not even a single reason to buy ps4 except multi-platform games running on better resolutions or better frame-rates and that difference which we cannot even see.
Killzone shadow fall is just like another shooter nothing new. I would say it is a 5.5/10. I like knack but knack is not even better than max. Max is one of the best platformer much better than knack. Infamous looks nothing impressive why do people like. Right now why would I buy a ps4 I can wait and get a ps4 when it has order 1886 the only game I think might be nice and more games from naughty dog and a bit cheaper.
If you don't have money and want to enjoy all multi-platform games buy a second hand XBox easily available for 100dollar and you will find and enjoy loads of games
If you have money XBox one choice should be your choice.
1.Killer Instinct simply one of the best figthing game I have played.
2.Titanfall coming and their are chances a similar kind of deal like cod will be their so XBox one will be the best console to enjoy all titanfall titles.
3.Halo is coming and the team is taking alot of feedback if they implement it I can be 110% sure Halo is going to rock and has chances of becoming best selling halo.
4.Gears is coming and I think it might be awesome or dead but still a new gears is,coming.
5.Fable legends is shaping up to be a great game.
6.Many Microsoft studios are working on games which means future we will have games throughout the generation.
Now everything is speculation
1.Microsoft might be working on a new peripheral like kinect which is going to change gaming again.
2.Microsoft is working on cross platform functions for Xbox live.
3.New directx coming for Xbox one and is going to make Xbox one a lot better.
4.Cloud has a lot of possibilities(I am putting this thing in speculation because cloud has achieved its promise only 50% and Microsoft needs to make it happen and show some cool cloud stuff).
5.Now please answer my question

That's what you think. I'm enjoying KZ: SF multiplayer and it feels like an 8.7/10 game to me. Besides 1080p vs 720p is very clearly visible on my 1080p 46" TV. Also I'm anticipating Infamous: Second Son, Uncharted 4, Driveclub and The Order: 1886.

I'll buy an Xbone when its available for INR 32,000 ($540) as I bought a PS4 for INR 40,000 ($670) and Halo 5 is released.

@ucell nice to see some active indian gaming community. Don't forget to check one of the biggest indian gaming website
The resolution is not a big difference and for me it is not a reason to determine my purchase.
Honestly tell me do u think any of ps4 title is currently a system seller. ORDER 1886 might be good or nothing we will have to wait for game's release because most of the reviewers have mixed impressions from it. Uncharted is something to keep an eye on and can be a system seller except that we don't have a system seller. Xbox one has currently better games though expensive. If you want an Xbox one you can order one from for,4600rs which is something similar to ps4 price.

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I think 8vs8 would have been a mess especially with 8 titans unless they made special maps... And even then it would have been empty especially with no titans.. And 6vs6 would have been also empty with no AI... This game appeal relies heavily on balance for the game play and from what we've heard they've tried a lot of combinations...
I'd rather have a fun balanced game than a competitive one that is not balanced except for hardcore player... To me AI and 6vs6 is essential to that effect... Without it it's just another dude bro fps with mechs which it is not in its current state regardless to what haters might say...

@endimion 8vs8 would not be a mess. It will be balanced you will constantly encountering players and titanfall designer said titanfall maps could handle 48combatians. From what I played maps could easily handle 8vs8. I think it will be perfect. But,we both are entitled to our opinions so.

I'm talking about 16 titans at once on a map being a mess even worst with 16 titan Ai and 16 pilots roaming around... Like I said they tried many combination and I think there is a good reason they didn't do it... I cannot believe they'd do it just to piss players off...

@endimion you might be right but that case is most probably rare or not possible. I want a mode without ai and for that 8vs8 os perfect player count that's it

Ranks should be reset before launch or,it is going to,be not,balanced game. Some,people on high level and have all guns but that would be very less people so not a big deal