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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

TheSting said:
Guys when does Cuphead come out? Hopefully Ori is a good and not so easy game

Ori is suppose to be challenging and i dont know about Cuphead date yet.


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Dare i say Mick Gordon > Marty :P  Or will i be overthrown xD  But seriously thats treason so think twice :P  

View on YouTube

Really im just kidding, but Mick Gordon is seriously talented.  Wide variaty in music from Death Metal, Hip Hop, Choir.  A lot of whic is on a small time frame which makes it even more impressive


Jazz2K said:
Anyone knows if in Fable you'll be able to customize your character or are they set in stone? I mean like the archer stays an archer but you could change attributes like hairs, skin color, clothes etc?

Similar to Dota as far as im aware, so yes you can customize.  How theyre unlocked or bought, idk


shikamaru317 said:
Dang, this has been one sad day so far : ( I need some good news to cheer me up.

:/  Want to talk about it?  We will cheer you up :)

And hmm, I will see if i can unearth some JRPG stuff or something.


Thanks Jay and Shika these are great news. Will probably play the free version for some time then buy the full game later for all of these extras.

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Jazz2K said:
Thanks Jay and Shika these are great news. Will probably play the free version for some time then buy the full game later for all of these extras.

Np man xD  Hope you enjoy it.  Ill def at least try it and see what happens.  Really am happy because now me and my friends can all try it and see what happens from there


TiagoCosta said:
There was a sale on those 2 games recently, so who knows x)

On another note, I was thinking in how different could E3 be for Microsoft, then I remembered this idea from uservoice.

Seems doable.

I voted.

shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:


It's nothing personal, just Leonard Nimoy dying, and learning that some of my favorite Youtubers had a falling out (Greg and Jirard of The Completionist), which ended with Greg leaving the show. It also very likely broke up one of my favorite Youtuber "supergroups", The Scary Game Squad, since Greg and Jirard were both members.

Today was the day that Camilla Luddington tweeted about something Tomb Raider was happening, please drop some Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay on me Microsoft, lol. 

Well at least it isnt anything personal, but yeah that still sucks man.  They may get back together at a later date, who knows.

And yes, lets hope xD


shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:

:/  Want to talk about it?  We will cheer you up :)

And hmm, I will see if i can unearth some JRPG stuff or something.

It's nothing personal, just Leonard Nimoy dying, and learning that some of my favorite Youtubers had a falling out (Greg and Jirard of The Completionist), which ended with Greg leaving the show. It also very likely broke up one of my favorite Youtuber "supergroups", The Scary Game Squad, since Greg and Jirard were both members.

Today was the day that Camilla Luddington tweeted about something Tomb Raider was happening wasn't it? Please drop some Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay on me Microsoft, lol. 

Oh yes today we might hear some news gameplay will be better *waits like a kid for milk*.

shikamaru317 said:
Looks like the Rise of the Tomb Raider thing was just an interview : ( Hopefully we'll get gameplay at GDC.

No I would love to see some gameplay maybe they are reserving it for e3.