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I have a question about Fable Legends as we know game will be available for full $60 and f2p as well.
Lionhead has clearly detailed its vision about f2p model which is not a bad model at all but after all this announcement I was left with one thought how does the game works for people who bought the game at full price will they get everything unlocked from beginning or will they unlock everything using game currency or what I think is most likely to happen is that all heroes are available to them from beginning and when they reach specific level such as when they are on level 3 they don't need to unlock level 3 items they can simply equip them. If this happens it thus leads to pay to win strategy to some extent.

Do we have a clear picture of how things work for $60 user if yes can you guys please elaborate.

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FrontlineJaguar said:

Im just going to make the assumption that Fable Legends is in the exact same format as Killer Instinct, so that means if you buy the full game then you get everything.  That means costumes, characters, single player, etc.  And because i know Lionhead wants to continue developing Fable Legends for years to come, i can imagine them adding more characters similar to how seasons work in Killer Instinct as well


People jump on Pneuma to fast imo....The game impressions are horrible :s

JayWood2010 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:

Im just going to make the assumption that Fable Legends is in the exact same format as Killer Instinct, so that means if you buy the full game then you get everything.  That means costumes, characters, single player, etc.  And because i know Lionhead wants to continue developing Fable Legends for years to come, i can imagine them adding more characters similar to how seasons work in Killer Instinct as well

Don't you think it leads to pay to win to some extent so basically when I am on a specific level in a game I get access to weapons without unlocking them and what is the purpose of silver chests for me they are of no use to me.

GamechaserBE said:
People jump on Pneuma to fast imo....The game impressions are horrible :s

Ehh,  hope they are only the early reviews.  I am pretty excited for it. 


Around the Network
FrontlineJaguar said:

Don't you think it leads to pay to win to some extent so basically when I am on a specific level in a game I get access to weapons without unlocking them and what is the purpose of silver chests for me they are of no use to me.

If it is like Killer Instinct which it looks exactly the same unless im missing something then no.  You just pay to unlock a character and you will get 4 characters for free on Fable Legends.  It will be your choice after that if you want to buy more characters.


FrontlineJaguar said:
JayWood2010 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:


Don't you think it leads to pay to win to some extent so basically when I am on a specific level in a game I get access to weapons without unlocking them and what is the purpose of silver chests for me they are of no use to me.

I am imagining that it will be a case of all characters have sets of weapons/equipment associated with them i.e. a tank/warrior class might have various swords/axes/shields/abilities etc associated with them (the package being the character and all the equipment and abilities unique to them) that then get unlocked as you level up similar to most RPG games. So you would own them but would need to level up the character in order to use the better equipment/abilities.

Potable_Toe said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
JayWood2010 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:


Don't you think it leads to pay to win to some extent so basically when I am on a specific level in a game I get access to weapons without unlocking them and what is the purpose of silver chests for me they are of no use to me.

I am imagining that it will be a case of all characters have sets of weapons/equipment associated with them i.e. a tank/warrior class migh have various swords/axes/shields/abilities etc associated with them (the package being the character and all the equipment and abilities unique to them) that then get unlocked as you level up similar to most RPG games. So you would own them but would need to level up the character in order to use the better equipment/abilities.

Oh yes this could be a possible solution in this way it sets everyone on equal play field no pay to win lets hope it works the way you stated it.

This tweet actually made me thinking until I saw the date of the tweet.

FrontlineJaguar said:

This tweet actually made me thinking until I saw the date of the tweet.

It was a teaser for the Windows 10 event (Xbox Streaming).