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Considering I got about 6 games a year on Xbox 360, having at least 8 day one's for 2014 is amazing for me, MS are really delivering!!!


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Ryuu96 said:

There is ALLOT of Wii U games I will be getting probably if I get a Wii U But I will just say XB1 games only.


  • Tomb Raider
  • Plants Vs Zombies
  • Titanfall
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Project Spark
  • D4
  • Kinect Sports Rivals (Maybe)
  • Watch Dogs
  • Destiny
  • The Division
  • Dying Light
  • Halo
  • Middle Earth Shadow Of Mordor (Maybe)
  • Sunset Overdrive
  • The Witcher 3
  • Below
  • Cobalt
  • Fable Legends
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 (Maybe)
  • Minecraft Xbox One
  • Quantum Break
  • Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars
  • Alien: Isolation
  • Evolve (If 2014)

I forgot about a lot of those, but ill prob be getting or renting a lot of those as well.


Damn you guys... makes my list look weak.

I forgot the following thanks to everyone else here :)
-KH3 (need to play the other first to determine if I like this, also, I doubt 2014.)
-The Witcher 3
-Watch Dogs
-Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars
-D4 (maybe)">"><img src="

Seece said:
Considering I got about 6 games a year on Xbox 360, having at least 8 day one's for 2014 is amazing for me, MS are really delivering!!!

It really is impressive. The only measure I have that I can think of is Wii U. You know how that first year went...">"><img src="

Those spark videos look great! How did he make a car?

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:



Jay...3 Years and you only just know how to use bullet points and I've been on this site for a few months lololol =PP

lol technically ive only been posting for a year now :P  I started posting on this sit in November of 2012, so about 14 months now.  Before i just had an account to check the numbers etc.  Then i got bored at work and here i was lol


Seeing a lot of nice stuff from Project Spark. Does it have a single player experience already given? Like LBP? I'm not good at creating.">"><img src="

JoeTheBro said:
Those spark videos look great! How did he make a car?

Are you still planning on getting a XBO btw?  I remember you was wanting one at one point, didnt know if oyu changed your mind or not


Ryuu96 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Seeing a lot of nice stuff from Project Spark. Does it have a single player experience already given? Like LBP? I'm not good at creating.

Uh..What do you mean? 

Like a given story. Not one you would have to create. Little Big Planet is known for their community driven levels, but they also have a (six or so) worlds already made to be played; like a traditional single player game.">"><img src="

JayWood2010 said:
JoeTheBro said:
Those spark videos look great! How did he make a car?

Are you still planning on getting a XBO btw?  I remember you was wanting one at one point, didnt know if oyu changed your mind or not

I'm certainly wanting one, but it's in the same boat as the 3DS. Lots of games I'd enjoy but it's not a good enough value for my financial situation.


I'd like to get it with Titanfall, but most likely I won't be buying until after my game ships and I have the time and hopefully money.