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JayWood2010 said:
Seece said:
I want a real whacky races inspired kart racer with MS mascots. Long tracks, lots of alternate routes, the ability to have time to get out of your vehicle and place traps, change signs (so you fall off a cliff), ect.

^This xD  Also weapons could be interesting.  Plasma Grenades/grenades is the first one that comes to mind as a common offensive weapon

Yes smartglass would also serve as an interesting input in this case. For exmaple its a race of 10 people a 11th person comes in with his smartglass messes with map and lets the action begin and in between the race also he can change few things to keep the action going. Microsoft you reading this

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JayWood2010 said:
Seece said:
I want a real whacky races inspired kart racer with MS mascots. Long tracks, lots of alternate routes, the ability to have time to get out of your vehicle and place traps, change signs (so you fall off a cliff), ect.

^This xD  Also weapons could be interesting.  Plasma Grenades/grenades is the first one that comes to mind as the most common offensive weapon

I don't really want weapons where it lasts about 3 seconds and you're back racing, just seems a bit me-too. I want real dirty racing and long races with cut scene intervals in races. So like a 30 minute race with a cutscene break in the middle to update the ranks/situation. If you fall off a cliff I don't want you to respawn 4 seconds later. Being such a long race, lots of obstacles and danger means the race is never truly lost until nearer the end!

Things like the arbitar using his Energy sword to slash opponents tires, and them having to get out of the kart and change the tires.

Battletoad releasing gunk for about half a mile on the road, slowing karts down.


shikamaru317 said:

I really don't think that a consistent art style for characters is that important. Like I said, Sonic & Sega Racing had both cartoony and realistic characters and it turned out fine:

Youre probably right but id still prefer if they were.  Plus knowing Rare they would redesign them to do that.  Plus rare is incredibly talented when it comes to artistic style, even today


Well Shika consistent artstyle is not important but a shared design language is you cannot directly take characters from games and put them you need to add familiar looks to them so they all feel part of the same game while at the same time they have their unique identity.

Seece said:
JayWood2010 said:

Specials would be cool like the sword and gunk xD  Idk about a super long race and tire changes though.  I think that would take away from the fun a little bit in my opinion.  But it would be nice to have some long tracks (Think nursburgring in Forza).  If i spelled that right lol


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JayWood2010 said:
Seece said:
JayWood2010 said:

Specials would be cool like the sword and gunk xD  Idk about a super long race and tire changes though.  I think that would take away from the fun a little bit in my opinion.  But it would be nice to have some long tracks (Think nursburgring in Forza).  If i spelled that right lol

Oh I disagree, it'd make it unique, incredibly tactic based and overall very fresh. I think MS just doing a kart racer like MK/Sony one, Sega All starts is pointless and boring. I'd want them to shake it up.


Talking about Banjo I think Rare will have to do a lot to make it successful. Dont get me wrong I mean the standards set by open world games are very high so people will somewhere in mind compare Banjo to it. Its mechanics have also aged so they will go through some transition. What I think is if Banjo is to be released this year either Rare really needs to hit that balance between modern and traditional or go with some other game.

Seece said:


Unfortunately MSFT prob wont make a Kart Racer any time soon -_-  Phil Spencer doesnt seem to like the idea.  If Phil Spencer has a flaw as the head of Xbox, this is it :P


shikamaru317 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
Well Shika consistent artstyle is not important but a shared design language is you cannot directly take characters from games and put them you need to add familiar looks to them so they all feel part of the same game while at the same time they have their unique identity.

I get that. Sega didn't take each character from each game and just copy/paste them into Sonic & Sega Racing, they designed each character from the ground up for the Sonic & Sega All-Stars engine. The end result was great imo, it was especially nice seeing Ryo Hazuki with enhanced graphics, a nice little taste of what kind of graphics we'd see from a Shenmue HD release or Shenmue 3.

Yes in this way we will be able to relish some of the characters which might not get a new game in near future.

FrontlineJaguar said:

Its going to be in one of those unfortunate cases where it cant live up to nostalgia even if it is better than the original.  However, because Nuts & Bolts wasnt what people wanted it also could be praised simply for going back to its roots.