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Aw man lol it was nice to read through the 200 posts and seeing you guys follow in my cheevo whoring footsteps lol

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Also he says Rare will have a BIG 2015. I don't think simply announcing games vs releasing them is big.

So I think whatever they have planned, it'll release this year.

I also envisage more than 1 game, ala old rare (Kameo/Perfect Dark 06, Viva 07, Banjo/Viva2 08.)

They churned out amazing quality games at a great rate, and then Kinect came along and they got 3 of those out in the space of 7 years.

I don't hate Kinect at all, but my god what a plight on rare it was. Imagine all the other rare games we could have played by now if it wasn't for that franchise, which I hope is well and truly DEAD.


shikamaru317 said:
Seece said:
Also he says Rare will have a BIG 2015. I don't think simply announcing games vs releasing them is big.

So I think whatever they have planned, it'll release this year.

I also envisage more than 1 game, ala old rare (Kameo/Perfect Dark 06, Viva 07, Banjo/Viva2 08.)

They churned out amazing quality games at a great rate, and then Kinect came along and they got 3 of those out in the space of 7 years.

I don't hate Kinect at all, but my god what a plight on rare it was. Imagine all the other rare games we could have played by now if it wasn't for that franchise, which I hope is well and truly DEAD.

Good points. Didn't Shinobi suggest that Rare would be releasing something this year, not just announcing it? I think you may be right about 2 games instead of one, we've heard rumors about both Battletoads and Banjo being in development. So Battletoads as a downloadable title, Banjo 3 as a AAA Holiday release maybe? 

I can definitely see Battletoads doing better as a $20 title.

Also think if all of this happens, it'll be a renaissance period for Rare and will get them back on that same track of releasing core games every 2 years, and they'll finally stop getting so much shit flung at them (not all undeserved tho I might add).


Ka-pi96 said:
jlmurph2 said:

Aw man lol it was nice to read through the 200 posts and seeing you guys follow in my cheevo whoring footsteps lol

And you were very nearly out cheevo whored by Slade when he was thinking of getting the Hannah Montana game

Lol I saw. I would have played it if I were competing.

Battletoads + Banjo 2015


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shikamaru317 said:

Well, PS4 is about to pass Xbox One on Amazon and it has already passed Xbox One on Best Buy and Gamestop. Xbox One had a pretty long run in the lead at least. Hopefully Xbox One won't fall too far behind PS4 in the coming weeks and months. Eventually the remaining AC bundle stock will sell out and then it'll be a gameless Xbox One selling at the same price as PS4. Hopefully MS has some plan in place to boost sales in the near future, another price drop, an Evolve bundle, a reintroduction of the White Xbox One, something.

Amazon doesnt have any X1's to sell. Its 3rd parties only.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Seece said:
Also he says Rare will have a BIG 2015. I don't think simply announcing games vs releasing them is big.

So I think whatever they have planned, it'll release this year.

I also envisage more than 1 game, ala old rare (Kameo/Perfect Dark 06, Viva 07, Banjo/Viva2 08.)

They churned out amazing quality games at a great rate, and then Kinect came along and they got 3 of those out in the space of 7 years.

I don't hate Kinect at all, but my god what a plight on rare it was. Imagine all the other rare games we could have played by now if it wasn't for that franchise, which I hope is well and truly DEAD.

I think this pretty much suims it up for me.  I actually like kinect.  not for games, but as an entertainment hub.  But Rare shouldnt have decided to go kinect only for the last several years -_-  

Out of that list i wouldnt mind seeing any of them.  All great games :)  I personally think another Kameo and Viva would be amazing too.  Rare has too many games o.O


June - Fable Legends
July - Summer of Arcade
August - Summer of Arcade
September - Halo 5
October - Quantum Break/Forza 6
November - Tomb Raider/Banjo Threeie

They need to pad out the summer a little more. That is when they should redebut Summer of Arcade (new name, Summer of Xbox) with Inside, Fruit Ninja Kinect 2, Fru, Superhot and Earthlock.


shikamaru317 said:
CDiablo said:

Amazon doesnt have any X1's to sell. Its 3rd parties only.

Yeah, but the 3rd parties are selling it for $380, less than the official $400 price, so Xbox One will drop even further once the 3rd party sellers run out of AC Unity bundles and all Amazon has is the standard edition at $400.

But many people dont trust 3rd parties like CJGames or BESTDEALSNOW dosent look great to everyone. Im not saying sales arent slipping, but Amazon is probably the worst indicator. A more expensive Amazon/Walmart/Target sold item will outsell a slightly cheaper 3rd party any day.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Seece said:

June - Fable Legends
July - Summer of Arcade
August - Summer of Arcade
September - Halo 5
October - Quantum Break/Forza 6
November - Tomb Raider/Banjo Threeie

They need to pad out the summer a little more. That is when they should redebut Summer of Arcade (new name, Summer of Xbox) with Inside, Fruit Ninja Kinect 2, Fru, Superhot and Earthlock.

I think in future years they will try and spread it out a bit more.  And im really hoping Halo 5 is september.  Let it have room to breathe instead of releasing it side by side with CoD